The best dentist

Dental implants surgery|The best dentist in Isfahan

Dental implants surgery

Dental implant surgery is one of the services performed at Najm Dental Laser Center.     Biography of Dr. Hossein Barjian, Isfahan surgeon – Dental implantologist ️specialized fellowship in laser dentistry from University of Genoa ️mastership in cosmetic dentistry from New York University ️doctorate in dentistry from Isfahan National University ️international speakers on laser dental treatments

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Treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis with PDT photodynamic therapy with laser|The best dentist in Isfahan

Sample treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis with PDT laser photodynamic therapy

The patient of a young woman with the problem of inflammation and bleeding from the gums and gingivitis resistant to treatment was not controlled despite the previous calcifications and SRP treatment by other colleagues. . He was referred to Najm dental laser specialist center by a perio specialist. Treatment process : پس از معاینات بالینی و رادیوگرافیک و با تشخیـص عـدم نیـاز

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For a dental appointment (Internal 4)

Address: Isfahan, Hakim Nizami intersection

Next to Bush, Najm community, 2nd floor

Dental apparatus channel

Gum surgery with laser and implant
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