The second part of the services of Najm Dental Laser Specialist Center, Dr. Hossein Borjian
a thousand: Laser gum lift surgery (To increase the length of the crown or gummy smile problem) Closed surgically (flapless) No bleeding and no stitches in one session with local anesthesia
B: Surgery to increase the length of the crown in severely damaged teeth for the possibility of creating a prosthesis and veneer
c: Scaling with ultrasonic waves d: Scaling using laser
e: Treatment and control of gum diseases and gum inflammation and infection including periodontitis and gingivitis with PDT laser treatments
And: Treatment and control of gum diseases and gum inflammation and infection including periodontitis and gingivitis with LANAP laser treatments
Z: Treatment of hypertrophy and hyperplasia (bulking up) Gums with laser
h: Removal of dark gums with laser (Laser depigmentation)
Dr. Hossein Barjian, surgeon – Implantologist dentist