مطلبی که امروز برای شما آماده کردم، راجع به Treatment of temporomandibular joint problems Is. مفصل گیجگاهی فکی ، فک پایین را به جمجمه وصل می کند و مانند هر مفصل دیگری دارای لیگامنت ها ، عضلات ، مایع مفصلی و آناتومی های مشابه سایر مفاصل است. Therefore, it can suffer from joint disorders such as inflammation or related muscle problems. Usually, temporomandibular joint problems can be classified into three categories, which are classified according to the cause of these problems.. The first issue is the detailed issue itself, the four signs that can show themselves in this regard (Although all four signs cannot necessarily be seen together) this is:The best dentist in Isfahan
1- Pain in the joint
2- محدودیت در بازکردن دهان
هر انسان به صورت طبیعی به اندازه چهار انگشت خود (Except for the thumb ) He must be able to open his mouth, less than this amount means restriction in opening his mouth.
3- The sound of the temporomandibular joint is divided into clicking and crepitus.
4- Deviation from the midline or from the midline. In the sense that when opening the mouth, the jaw slightly tilts to the right or left side, which can return to the middle line or not..
These are the four symptoms of temporomandibular joint involvement. When a patient with temporomandibular joint problems comes to us with one of the above symptoms, we examine them for joint problems, muscle problems, and teeth coupling problems.. If necessary, correction of the occlusion or correction of the coupling of the teeth, and if the problem is only from the temporomandibular joint itself, inflammation and pain can be controlled with treatments such as photobiomodulation, that is, laser therapy of the joint area.. You can also use night guards or night protectors, and if necessary, drug therapy will also help us. PBM laser can be used in relation to the problems of masticatory muscles and their spasm.
Regarding occlusion interference, correction of occlusion and leading points in teeth pairing and, if necessary, orthodontic treatments will be suggested.. That is, from every 4 Man 3 People experience temporomandibular joint problems at some point in their lives. So there is no need to worry and these can be controlled and managed.
At Najm Dental Laser Center, we control the inflammation, pain and problems caused by it with various treatments that exist according to the cause of this disease.. What if patients had these problems in the past and are strange to them 25 سال این مشکلات را بطور مداوم به همراه داشته اند. و همکاران قبلی، متاسفانه آن را مربوط به درد های دندانی و اندودونتیک مربوط می دانستند. دندان های 8 Then 7 And then 6 آنها را خارج کردند. و مشکلات عمده ای را در سیستم جویدن و همچنین استخوان ناحیه ایجاد کرده بودند. که پس از 25 سال درگیری با این مساله، بیمار به اینجانب مراجعه کرد.
و پس از سیکل های لیزر تراپی PBM، درد و ناراحتی بیمار به کنترل درآمد. و بیمار به زندگی طبیعی بازگشت.
که در کتاب خودم با عنوان یک دهه با لیزر دندانپزشکی شرح این بیمار را به رشته تحریر درآورده ام.
آدرس و روزهای کاری و ساعات پذیرش ما و لینک های ارتباطی با ما در سرچ کردن نام بنده، دکتر حسین برجیان یا مرکز تخصصی لیزر دندانپزشکی نجم در گوگل به راحتی در اختیار شما قرار خواهد گرفت. با احترام و آرزوی بهروزی
the surgeon – Implantologist dentist
Dental laser specialist fellowship from the University of Genoa
Mastership in cosmetic dentistry from New York University
Doctorate in Dentistry from Isfahan National University
International speakers of laser dentistry treatments
The founder of Najm Dental Laser Specialized Center
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Appointment site of Isfahan dentist Dr. Hossein Borjian at Clinic 24