Speech at the international conference in Madrid, Spain

Speech at the international conference in Madrid, Spain | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Certificate of speech at the international conference in Madrid, Spain

Dental care 2021

International Conference on

Dental Care and Oral Health

October 21-22 Madrid, Spain

Acceptance Letter


Dr. Hossein Borjian
Doctor of dental surgery, Fellowship of laser in dentistry
Private Practice
Isfahan, Iran
Email: H.borjian@yahoo.com

Dear Dr. Hossein Borjian

Thank you for your interest towards the conference and submitting abstract under the Oral presentation category

Now we are glad to inform you that your abstract titled “Use of lasers in daily dental practice: A review of case series study” has been peer reviewed by our scientific committee and accepted for the Speaker presentation for the conference “International Conference on Dental Care and Oral Health” which is scheduled to be held during October 21-22, 2021 in Madrid, Spain

We cordially welcome you to join us and share your knowledge and views in respective to the theme “A genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs good Dental and Oral care” and your abstract will be published in our supporting journals and in the conference abstract book/ proceedings during the conference

Now we request you to kindly proceed with the registration and confirm your slot for the conference

For more details visit: https:/www.longdom.com/eurodental/registration

We look forward to see you at Madrid, Spain

Thanks and Best Regards, FERENCES

Catherine Lewis Conference Service Manager Team Dental care 2021 Madrid, Spain LONGDOM GROUP SA, Avenue Roger Vandendriessche, 18, 1150 Brussels Email: eurodental@longdomglobal.com WhatsApp: +44 7588-784-761

Disclaimer: This official letter is to attend Dental care 2021 only

| The best gum surgeon in Isfahan |

Speech at the international conference in Madrid, Spain


Translation of speech document at the international conference in Madrid, Spain

Dental care 2021

International conference Dental care and oral hygiene

21 until the 22 October Madrid, Spain

acceptance letter


Dr. Hossein Borjian
Doctor of Dental Surgery, Laser Fellowship in Dentistry
Isfahan, Iran
email: H.borjian@yahoo.com

Mr. Dr. Hossein Borjian

Thank you for your interest in the conference and submitting an abstract in the oral presentation category.

Now we are pleased to inform you that the abstract of your article entitled “Use of laser in daily dental practice: An overview of the case study” Reviewed by our scientific committee and presented as a conference speaker “International conference on dental care and oral hygiene” accepted. which is supposed to be in 21 until the 22 October 2021 To be held in Madrid, Spain.

We sincerely welcome you to join us and share your knowledge and perspective on the topic “A true smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile requires good oral care” Share and your abstract will be published in our supporting journals. Conference abstract book / Proceedings of the conference

Now we request you to register and confirm your place in the conference.

For more details: https://Visit www.longdom.com/eurodental/registration

We look forward to seeing you in Madrid, Spain

Thanks and best regards, FERENCES

Catherine Lewis Director of Dental Care Team Conference Services 2021 Madrid, Spain LONGDOM GROUP SA, Avenue Roger Vandendriessche, 18, 1150 Brussels email: eurodental@longdomglobal.com WhatsApp: +44 7588-784-761

disclaimer: This official letter is only for participation in dental services 2021 Is.

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