Examining the factors of crooked teeth
Having misaligned and crooked teeth is very common. Many children and adults have irregular teeth. If one of your teeth is crooked, you shouldn't feel like you need to straighten it. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We will examine the causes of crooked teeth.
Both baby teeth and permanent teeth may be crooked or later become crooked. Sometimes baby teeth are in a crooked position; Because they are very small and cannot fill the gum space assigned to them. Long-term habits like finger sucking Or the pacifier can also cause milk teeth to stretch or tilt. Heredity and genetics may also play a role in this situation. The presence of crooked milk teeth does not mean that your child's permanent teeth will also be crooked. However, if the baby teeth grow out of order. It is likely that the permanent teeth will be the same.
If an injury or injury to the mouth or teeth causes one or more milk teeth to fall out earlier than normal. The permanent teeth that grow in their place may come out of the gum crookedly. Other problems that affect milk teeth and may also affect permanent teeth; as follows:
age increasing
The aging process affects the entire human body. With the increase of our jaw, whose structure is dependent on bone, it shrinks to several millimeters, and as a result, the space for the teeth decreases..
As the natural aging process passes, our teeth are more exposed to physical forces, erosion, destruction and other factors that can significantly affect their alignment and alignment.. Fortunately, adult patients now have options such as orthodontics that they can use to straighten their teeth without significantly affecting their appearance..
thumb sucking
Myofunctional habits (Related to muscle function)are repetitive behaviors that affect the muscles or functions of the mouth and face. Although doctors consider thumb sucking among children to be a normal behavior; But this habit can have adverse effects on the teeth in the long run. For example, at the age of 5 or 6, the existence of this habit has already had significant effects on the rapid growth of the child's jaw. Baby teeth, which are softer than permanent teeth, may also be damaged by thumb sucking..
Frequent biting causes repeated pressure on the jaw, which causes misalignment of baby teeth as well as the roots that will later become permanent teeth.. Other myofunctional habits include::
- Using a bottle or pacifier
- lick
- mouth breathing
mal occlusion (Lack of proper alignment of the jaw)
Your upper teeth should be slightly forward than your lower teeth; While the protrusions of the upper molars should be placed in the groove of the lower molars.. When this alignment is not present, malocclusion occurs. Misalignment is associated with overbytes and underbytes. If you have an overbite, the upper front teeth are further apart than the lower front teeth.
If you have an underbite, the lower front teeth are in front of the upper front teeth. Poor myofunctional habits can cause malocclusion.
Poor oral care
Sometimes, not having a dental checkup at least once a year by a dentist can mean that problems such as gum and cavity disease remain untreated.. This can lead to crooked teeth and other oral health problems.
Inappropriate feeding
Improper nutrition, especially among children, can lead to tooth decay and poor tooth development, which are potential causes of crooked teeth..
Facial injury
A blow to the face and mouth can move the teeth away from their natural position, resulting in one or more crooked teeth..
Jaw size
The new diet that contains soft and processed foods and many people follow it; compared to the foods that our early ancestors ate; It requires less chewing. This change has changed the collective size of our jaw and made it smaller. Scientists believe that our evolved, smaller jaws may be to blame for our crowded, crooked, and misaligned teeth..
soft food
In a study, it was proven that the type of diet that people have also affects the possibility of malocclusion. The study proved that in populations that depend on stricter food choices, jawbones are longer; While among the population that grows with soft foods; Jawbones are smaller. When it comes to babies, many medical professionals argue that toddlers should be fed chewy foods consistently in order for their jaws to develop properly.. Having a small jaw can cause teeth to be crowded.
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The enamel coating is the hardest part of the human body. Teeth are designed for continuous use and should be used for this purpose. the possibility of having problematic jaws in children whose diet consists almost entirely of very soft foods; It is much more.
In the field of dentistry, discussion about the role of genes in occurrence mal occlusion, it is very hot. Many studies linking genes to malocclusion disorders provide another important factor.: the environment. The environmental factor includes the effect of people's diet and lifestyle on their teeth.
Considering the ambiguous and confusing findings in the field of genetics and malocclusion disorders, as well as our little understanding of genetics, in fact genetics is not usually the main cause of crooked teeth; However, this factor may explain most advanced malocclusion disorders, such as jaw style problems..
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- The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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