Laser applications in dentistry

Laser applications in dentistry | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Investigation of laser applications in dentistry

The word laser (LASER) The abbreviation of light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation means light amplification through induced emission. The laser device transforms light energy into a very narrow and focused beam. When the laser light devices hit the tissue, they create a reaction in it that causes the tissue to be shaped or cut. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We will examine the applications of lasers in dentistry.

The two main types of laser dentistry are hard tissue and soft tissue treatments. Hard tissue treatments are all treatments in which hard tissues such as teeth must be manipulated.

How to use laser in dentistry

All lasers work by sending energy in the form of light. When lasers are used for dental and surgical treatments, the laser acts as a tool to cut or vaporize the tissue it comes in contact with.. When of it for teeth whitening It is used, it acts as a heat source and increases the properties of the bleaching agent.

Laser denervation

For denervation, the crown of the tooth must be pierced so that the dentist can insert a tool called a file into the pulp chamber through this hole and remove the infected tissues and completely drain the pulp.. In the laser method, the tooth does not need to be drilled with a drill, but an access hole can be created in the crown with a laser. It seems that the use of laser in denervation reduces the chance of remaining infection. Laser can also be used to shape and clean the walls of the pulp.

Then the pulp chamber is cleaned and disinfected with special materials (Usually Gata Pircha) is filled. A laser may also be used to soften and shape the filling material of the root canal system.

Advantages of using the Epic X laser in dentistry | The best dentist in Isfahan

Filling teeth with laser

For laser tooth filling, anesthesia may not be required. The tooth is shaved with the help of a laser device and the decayed and infected tissues are removed. Then the dentist fills the hole with tooth filling material and gives it the proper shape. Finally, the tooth and its filling are adjusted and polished.

Identification of tooth decay:

Laser can be used to detect caries.

Preparing and filling teeth:

When filling teeth with a laser, there is no need to use a dental drill and endure the vibration and sound, but the tooth is filled without the need for anesthesia..

Treatment of tooth sensitivity:

Teeth that are sensitive to cold and heat can be treated with laser and sealing the root tubules..

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teeth whitening :

The use of laser in bleaching causes complications such as tooth sensitivity, damage to Enamel And sometimes it reduces the fine cracks in the teeth.

gum surgery :

Laser can be used for cutting and gum surgery. This method causes less pain and discomfort for the patient and shortens the length of the treatment.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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