Types of orthodontics for upper jaw teeth

Types of orthodontics for upper jaw teeth | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

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Depending on the severity of the underlying jaw discrepancy, sometimes a combination of braces and jaw surgery may be required. However, most of the time the problem can be fixed with braces. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We will examine the types of orthodontics for upper jaw teeth.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are worn on the inside of your front teeth. These braces are usually used in cases where the patient faces the problem of protruding front teeth. They are one of the most discrete braces available. In years past, orthodontists improved the appearance of crowded teeth by selectively extracting some teeth.. But today, they choose methods that do not require tooth extraction, which are very effective.

Metal braces

Metal braces are the traditional braces we grew up with. They are made of stainless steel and closed with thin wires. These braces are much more effective and affordable. But most patients avoid them because they are noticeable.

Clear braces

From transparent braces also for Treatment of upper teeth problems The front is used. These braces are made of ceramic materials. They are less noticeable, easier to accept, and look better.

Invisible orthodontics

Invisible orthodontics are made of plastic and every 14 They are changed once a day. They are very hard to see and can be worn anywhere such as at work or on public transport systems and the person sitting next to you will hardly notice them..

Comparison of fixed and mobile orthodontics | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Orthodontic tools to correct jaw growth problems

These jaw correction devices are fixed or movable. Fixed appliances are attached to the teeth using cement. Mobile devices require patient commitment to use these devices according to instructions. You will get better results by wearing orthodontic appliances and following a treatment plan designed for your specific needs. Understanding the potential outcomes will help you stay motivated, and parents can help their children follow through on the advice.. Some devices may cause minor discomfort during adjustment periods, but wearing them regularly will help shorten treatment time.. Below are some of the most common remedies to correct jaw growth problems.

Palatal Expansion:

There are two options for this, fixed or movable palatal expansion, which are used to correct the crossbite. This device is connected to the back teeth of the upper jaw and makes the jaw wider.


The device is removable and consists of a stainless steel cover and a fabric safety strap. The orthodontist fixes metal bands to your upper teeth. The safety strap wraps around your head and secures it. By putting pressure on the upper teeth and the upper jaw, the headgear affects the growth of the jaw and tooth movement..

Herbst® Appliance:

Typically, these appliances are attached to the upper and lower Asian teeth to hold the lower jaw forward.. The purpose of this type of treatment is to eliminate overbite. Herbsts can also open the jaw with expansion screws.

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This device pushes the mandible forward to reduce wear. crowns on Asian teeth They fit above and below you, and a metal knee connects the crowns.

Bite Correctionor:

This device is combined with braces to correct various problems. Metal bars with enclosed springs apply pressure to the upper and lower jaw. The placement of such bars depends on the type of bait you have.


This movable device guides the lower jaw to grow in proportion to the upper jaw. Children can correct their bite problems by wearing the Bionator device.


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  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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