Different types of dental veneers

Different types of dental veneers | The best dentist in Isfahan

Familiarity with different types of dental veneers

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine different types of dental veneers.

All ceramic coating

The meaning of all-ceramic veneer is that the ceramic veneer meets all the needs of the patient regarding the appearance of beauty. A ceramic crown is a perfect substitute for a natural tooth and has almost all the characteristics of a natural tooth. Ceramic veneers are also known as porcelain veneers and their appearance is in a way that there is no difference between them and natural teeth.. In addition, since there is no metal composition in this type of cover, it does not affect the color of the gums and does not change it.. All-ceramic veneers are recommended for the front teeth to meet the patient's aesthetic goals. These types of veneers are very complex based on the anatomical features of the person seeking treatment and are not applicable to all people.

Porcelain veneer attached to metal

The base part of the coating is made of metal alloy. and completely covered by porcelain. And this makes the metal part not visible. The metals that are used to prepare this type of coating include gold alloy and other types of metal alloys such as titanium and palladium and steel-based alloys such as nickel and chrome.. One of the advantages of the porcelain veneer attached to the metal is that it is highly resistant to cracking or breaking. Also, due to its rigidity and continuity, it is usually used for molars that are subjected to a lot of pressure.. White gold is a combination that has high bioavailability and for those patients who prefer metal allergy They are being suggested. The metal base part of the crown is completely covered by porcelain to preserve the appearance of the tooth.

Zirconia-ceramic veneers

Zirconia is the newest high-quality material that is used to prepare dental veneers and dental bridges. Zirconia-ceramic veneers and types of dental bridges are 5 times stronger and stronger than ceramic veneers and have high viability and help maintain the beauty of the teeth.. Remember that the mechanical resistance of these types of veneers is achieved at a thickness of 0.4 mm, and this means that there is no need to wear the surface of the tooth before installing the veneer..

Different applications of porcelain veneer | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Due to the high precision of preparing zirconia-ceramic veneers, it is easier to maintain oral and dental hygiene, and gingivitis is minimized thanks to the advanced veneer installation technology.. The white color of zirconia makes it highly compatible with the color of the teeth. One of the advantages of this type of coating is that when the gum recedes, no black border is created on the gum because no metal material is used in the composition of this type of coating..

The durability of dental veneers

The dental veneer plays the role of covering and covers the remaining tooth well. to create an appearance similar to natural teeth. Dental veneers are used in cases where the tooth is cracked or damaged or loses its original structure..

If dental veneers are properly taken care of, their lifespan will be 5 to 15 years on average. On the other hand, if the dental veneer is completely taken care of and all the tips recommended by the dentist. If followed, its lifespan will be about 25 to 40 years. But this issue depends on the condition of the person's mouth. Usually, ceramic veneers attached to metal or all-ceramic veneers last for about 5 to 15 years, on the other hand, metal veneers last for about 20 years or even more.. Gold plating and zirconia plating can remain for the rest of a person's life. In most cases, dental crowns can last up to 15 years, however, if they are well cared for, they can last 25 to 30 years..

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Factors affecting the durability of dental veneers

The structure of the human mouth is very complex and because of the longevity Dental crowns Increase. The following factors will play an important role:

  • Oral Health
  • Food habits
  • Grinding teeth and pressing teeth together
  • Nail biting
  • Chewing ice
  • Drinking very hot liquids
  • Instrumental use of teeth
  • Material used in coating

If the crown is made to the highest standards and fits well with the bite. And if properly cared for, it will usually have a long life.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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