Cleaning partial gel dentures
It is important to know that partial gel dentures require regular oral care and hygiene. In this article, on the site of Dr. Hossein Borjian, we will examine the method of cleaning one-piece gel dentures.
Use of toothbrush and toothpaste:
Gel artificial teeth need to be washed and cleaned like natural teeth. Using a toothbrush with a soft head and suitable toothpaste with it can help their cleanliness and hygiene. Toothbrush Brushing time should be applied completely to all surfaces of the teeth and mouth.
Periodic washing:
After every meal, it is better to wash your dentures with water periodically. This action helps to remove the remaining food from the teeth and from the space between the teeth.
Use of dental probes:
Some dentists recommend probes that are used to clean gel dentures.. These props usually have soft and flexible heads that are easily placed between the teeth and on the surfaces of the teeth and remove stains and deposits from them..
Regular care with artificial teeth:
You must pay attention to the regular and periodic care of your gel dentures. This includes regular check-ups by the dentist and periodic cleaning of the teeth.
Avoiding harmful substances:
Be careful not to use objects that may damage the dentures, such as spoons or knives. Also, avoid hard foods that may cause artificial teeth to break.
By following these tips, you can effectively keep your gel dentures clean and hygienic.. Also, it is always important to consult your dentist and ask for specific care instructions for your particular condition.
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