The effect of problems on the front teeth of the upper jaw

The effect of problems on the front teeth of the upper jaw | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Investigating the impact of problems on the front teeth of the upper jaw

There are many different reasons why people undergo orthodontic treatment. While many patients use invisible braces or orthodontics for cosmetic reasons, some of the most common orthodontic disorders can also make it difficult to chew, damage the jaw, and make it difficult for people to clean their teeth.. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We will examine the impact of problems on the front teeth of the upper jaw.

Because there are so many different disorders that require braces, many people don't know if they really need orthodontic treatment.. The following list contains common orthodontic disorders that can help you identify the problem you are experiencing so that you can administer the appropriate treatment..

Spaced teeth

Those with crowded teeth may actually have teeth that are spaced apart. These conditions also create a perfect place for food particles and bacteria to hide, even if the person from Oral Health have a very good. A large gap between the teeth can lower a person's self-confidence and make it relatively difficult to clean the teeth and maintain oral health.. While spaces that are too large in one part of the mouth may mean that another part of the mouth is crowded together, all of a person's teeth may be too far apart..

Open Byte

If your front or back teeth don't line up as they should, it's called an open bite.. This problem may be combined with other byte problems, but it can also be a separate problem by itself. Some teeth overlap, while others are separated. In this case, teeth that do not meet make chewing difficult, while teeth that do meet experience excessive wear.. An open bite can be a serious problem and can affect not only the teeth, but the entire digestive system.. Although all of these common orthodontic issues may seem serious, they can be easily corrected with proper orthodontic treatment from a good orthodontist..

Causes of crooked teeth | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan


Overbite is one of the most common orthodontic disorders. The characteristic of this condition is that the upper jaw is too far ahead of the lower jaw. An overbite can be corrected with braces and rubber bands, which is reason enough to invest in orthodontic treatment.. An overbite can lead to teeth grinding and gum damage. It can also make chewing difficult because the upper and lower teeth don't line up properly.. Since the teeth are not properly aligned in this condition, the hard areas of the teeth may be subject to crushing and damage due to excessive wear..

Crowded teeth

When you have too many teeth and there is little space in the jaw, the teeth may be squeezed together, pushing some teeth forward, some back, and others to the sides.. This type of crowding can make cleaning teeth very difficult. Because the teeth are very close together and usually overlap. Teeth that overlap provide the perfect hiding place for bacteria, sugar, and plaque, which in turn leads to tooth decay..

People with crowded and crowded teeth are more likely to see cavities between these teeth and experience other things related to tooth decay.. Having crowded teeth does not necessarily mean that there is not enough space in the jaw for all those teeth. Rather, it means that the teeth have grown unevenly and need to be adjusted.

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Improperly angled teeth

Sometimes, the teeth do not grow at the right angle. They may protrude outwards or tilt inwards. These teeth are mostly damaged by normal chewing and during sports or other similar activities. The more teeth that are out of alignment, the more likely they are to be damaged and require dental work.. treatment Orthodontic It can correct the angle of these teeth. Therefore, the possibility of shaving or breaking them becomes less.

Cross bite

Crossbite is not as common as underbite and overbite, but it is still a problem. Those who suffer from this orthodontic disorder have a combination of orbit and underbite. One of the most common problems in this area is that the lower molar teeth are larger than the upper molar teeth, but the front of the jaw is more crowded.. Like other bite problems, a crossbite makes chewing difficult because none of the teeth line up properly.. They also cause uneven tooth wear, as people learn to chew food on one side of their mouth or with only certain teeth instead of the whole mouth..

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