Replacement of composite with dental luminaire

Replacement of composite with dental luminaire | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Replacement of composite with dental luminaire

There is also a type of dental laminate called Luminier, in which the teeth are not sharpened and can be used to correct the smile design instead of traditional laminate and composite.. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We will examine the replacement of composite with dental luminaire.

Definition of luminaries

Lumineers are very thin shells that, unlike the traditional dental laminate method, are attached to the surface of the existing teeth without the need to destroy part of the natural tooth structure.. Luminaires are a permanent and painless cosmetic solution for misaligned, discolored, filled lips or stained teeth.. Like veneers, luminaries hide malformed areas by bonding to the surface of the tooth.

Lumineers are usually from porcelain are made and in just two or three visits to the dentist, you can order your Lumineers. which with proper care and maintenance can be over 20 Last year. Luminaire treatment is completely reversible and non-invasive as it does not affect your natural tooth structure.

In the Lumineers process, the dentist makes a mold of your tooth and the color of the tooth is chosen by the patient. Then the tooth mold is sent to the laboratory and in the next session, your dental luminary is placed on your tooth without causing pain and without tooth grinding.. Basically, Lumineers are ceramic veneers that offer a quick and painless way to permanently whiten your teeth or completely correct your unsightly smile.. The laminating specialist can easily place these ultra-thin luminaries on your teeth without shaping or trimming the teeth.. Lumineers change your teeth to enhance the natural beauty of your smile as an addition to your existing crown without replacing your teeth..

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The reason for replacing composite with dental luminaire

If you have composite decking and don't know if you can Dental composite Replace yourself with laminates or luminizers or not, the good news is yes, you can replace your dental composite with luminers or dental laminates..

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Luminaire applications

If the tooth is broken, cracked or stained, you can make a decision. to replace damaged teeth using other dental procedures or to hide damaged teeth with luminers. Lumineers as well as porcelain veneers to hide crooked teeth. They are heavily stained or simply not as white and shiny as they used to be. Lumineers can be used for:

  • Correction of gap and distance between teeth
  • Change the size and shape of your teeth to create a beautiful smile
  • Covering stains and dark colors
  • It makes your teeth look symmetrical and uniform
  • Makes you look more beautiful

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article is managed and published by the site admin.

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