Excellent quality dental implant surgery

Excellent quality dental implant surgery|The best dentist in Isfahan

Unfortunately, in some cases, due to the wrong choice of the implant and also the lack of skill of the dentist, the implant surgery is faced with many problems, in the end, the implant has to be removed from the mouth. Stay with us for a high quality dental implant surgery..

The implant is supposed to replace your missing natural tooth. For this reason, choosing the best implant is very important.

If you choose a good implant, it can last for years. Dental implants are performed at Najm's specialized dental laser center with excellent quality and high durability. Of course, dental implant surgery, like any other surgery, has complications such as pain, bleeding, and swelling. Dental implant surgery at Najm Laser Dentistry Center is associated with the least amount of pain, swelling and complications.



Dr. Hossein Borjian

the surgeon – Implantologist dentist

Dental laser specialist fellowship from the University of Genoa

Mastership in cosmetic dentistry from New York University

Doctorate in Dentistry from Isfahan National University

International speakers of laser dentistry treatments

The founder of Najm Dental Laser Specialized Center

The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Appointment site of Isfahan dentist Dr. Hossein Borjian at Clinic 24

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For a dental appointment (Internal 4)

Address: Isfahan, Hakim Nizami intersection

Next to Bush, Najm community, 2nd floor

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Gum surgery with laser and implant
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