Surgery and treatment of gum diseases

Surgery and treatment of gum diseases

The second part of the services of Najm Dental Laser Specialist Center, Dr. Hossein Borjian

Direct link to watch the video on YouTube

a thousand: Laser gum lift surgery (To increase the length of the crown or gummy smile problem) Closed surgically (flapless) No bleeding and no stitches in one session with local anesthesia

B: Surgery to increase the length of the crown in severely damaged teeth for the possibility of creating a prosthesis and veneer

c: Scaling with ultrasonic waves

of the: Scaling using laser e: Treatment and control of gum diseases and gum inflammation and infection including periodontitis and gingivitis with PDT laser treatments

And: Treatment and control of gum diseases and gum inflammation and infection including periodontitis and gingivitis with LANAP laser treatments

Z: Treatment of hypertrophy and hyperplasia (bulking up) Gums with laser

h: Removal of dark gums with laser (Laser depigmentation)

Dr. Hossein Barjian, surgeon – Implantologist dentist

Dr. Hossein Borjian's Instagram page The best implant in Isfahan

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Gum surgery with laser and implant
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