Treatment and causes of tooth and gum abscess

Treatment and causes of tooth and gum abscess | The best dentist in Isfahan

Investigating the treatment and causes of tooth and gum abscess

Because most abscesses are painful, regardless of whether they are on the gums or teeth, most people will seek medical attention right away.. Abscess does not go away by itself, so it is very important to see a specialist as soon as possible. It can be difficult to tell if what you're experiencing is actually an abscess, though, so here are some common symptoms of a gum or tooth infection:. In today's article, the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the treatment and causes of various tooth and gum abscesses.

Causes of tooth and gum abscess

The cause of tooth and gum infection is the direct growth of bacteria from the pulp spaces of a tooth or the deep surfaces of the root of a tooth to the soft tissues and supporting bones of the face and neck. Factors that increase the incidence of gum and tooth infection include diabetes and He mentioned dry mouth and....

Symptoms of tooth and gum abscess

The main sign tooth abscess In children and adults, as well as gum abscess, there is a throbbing pain in the mouth that does not subside. If you have a toothache, it may be caused by an abscess. معمولاً ناحیه‌ای از دهان که دارای آبسه است به جویدن حساس بوده و مسواک زدن دندان‌ها دشوار و دردناک خواهد بود. یک علامت دیگر تورم غدد لنفاوی در گردن است که باعث سخت و دردناک شدن بلعیدن می‌گردد، که گاهی اوقات همراه با تب نیز می‌باشد. فشار در سینوس‌ها می‌تواند یکی دیگر از علائم آبسه دندان یا لثه باشد.

انواع مختلف آبسه دندان و لثه

دو نوع آبسه وجود دارد: آبسه لثه یا آبسه دندان.

Gum abscess

آبسه لثه معمولاً ناشی از عفونت در فضای بین دندان و لثه است. ممکن است عفونت پس از اینکه ذرات غذا بین لثه و دندان گیر افتادند، رخ دهد. In people with severe gum disease, bacteria can accumulate under the gums or inside the bone..

tooth abscess (Periapical abscess)

A dental abscess occurs inside the tooth. This condition occurs when the tooth nerve is dead or dying. This type of abscess starts at the tip of the tooth root and then spreads to the surrounding bone.

Symptoms and causes of dental abscess disease | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Complications of not treating tooth and gum abscess

A bacterial infection from a tooth abscess is a life-threatening infection if it spreads to the jaw, neck, or brain, and can be extremely dangerous if it spreads throughout the body.. Rare but serious complications include Ludwig's angina, which can block the airway and cause suffocation, sepsis, which is a blood infection; Brain abscess, which often requires surgical drainage, intracranial pressure relief, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and other bacterial infections such as meningitis which may require long-term hospitalization. In people with a weak immune system, the risk of bacterial infection spreading from the teeth to other parts of the body is higher, and because the teeth are close to the brain, infections can quickly reach the jaw and brain from the teeth..

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Care tips in case of tooth and gum abscess

The best thing to do is to call and see a dentist immediately. Before going to the dentist and treating the tooth infection, you can take several steps to relieve the toothache.

  • Move your tongue gently around the mouth until you feel a swollen, pea-sized bump (which is a gum infection). If you don't feel anything swollen, but the area is still painful and sensitive, it may be a tooth abscess, so you should also take the following steps..
  • Prepare a salt water solution by combining half a teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm water. Then use it to gargle inside the mouth for 60 seconds. Do this several times a day to help ease the pain. It is possible that this method will relieve the pain, but even
  • In this case, the abscess must be treated, so visiting the dentist should not be delayed.
  • If there is pain or swelling elsewhere, placing an ice pack on the face can provide some relief.
  • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can help temporarily relieve pain.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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