Causes of mouth ulcers

Causes of mouth ulcers | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Investigating the causes of mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are sores that appear inside the mouth and are often seen on the inside of the cheeks. Canker sores can be painful when eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. Occasional mouth sores are usually harmless and resolve on their own. If these sores persist for more than 3 weeks or recur frequently, you should seek medical advice.. Mouth ulcers cannot be transmitted to another person. In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We examine the causes of mouth sores.

Different types of mouth ulcers

The main types of canker sores are::

  • minor wounds: These ulcers are about 2 to 8 mm in diameter and usually resolve within 10 days to two weeks.
  • Major wounds: These wounds are larger and deeper and often have a prominent and irregular border. This type of wound can take several weeks to heal and may cause scarring in the mouth.
  • Herpetic ulcers: This type of wound is a cluster of dozens of smaller wounds.

The underlying cause of most mouth ulcers is unknown. Stress or tissue damage is considered as the cause of simple mouth ulcers. There are various triggers that can cause mouth sores and mouth sores.

Symptoms of mouth ulcers

You may suffer from mouth sores in the following conditions:

  • Painful sores or sores inside the mouth, on the tongue, soft palate (The back part of the roof of the mouth), or within species.
  • Sores in the mouth that are round, gray in color with a red edge or border.

In severe attacks of canker sores, you may experience the following conditions:

  • Then
  • physical weakness
  • Swollen lymph nodes

oral thrush

This condition is caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans fungus in the mouth. This fungus causes white and cream-colored bumps on the inside of the cheek and tongue that turn into ulcers if left untreated.. Apart from white lesions, oral thrush also presents as cracks in the corners of the mouth, loss of taste and dry mouth..

Quit Smoking

When you first quit smoking, you may have more mouth ulcers than usual, but this is temporary.


Certain medications, including common pain relievers, beta blockers, and some chest pain medications, may cause a reaction that leads to canker sores..

Investigating the causes of canker sores | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan


Sometimes severe injuries can turn into ulcers or Pests in the mouth become. Vigorous brushing, dental work, biting the cheek and tongue, or sports injuries are all possible causes.

Food sensitivities

For certain reasons, the surface of the mouth reacts to the food you eat. In some people, foods such as chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, cheese, and spicy and acidic foods can cause irritation to the point where an ulcer forms..


The mouth is home to many bacteria and sometimes the body tries to expel them. The wound that is formed is caused by oral tissue being in the way of their exit.

Bacteria and viruses

Various diseases can cause mouth ulcers. The most common cause is Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of stomach ulcers and herpes. Herpes causes cold sores which, if not associated with mouth sores, can develop into more persistent sores such as canker sores if left untreated..

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Immune disorders

If the immune system does not work properly, sometimes mouth sores can be one of its results. Autoimmune diseases can cause the body's defenses to attack oral tissue, and conditions that weaken the immune system can allow opportunistic infections to form in the mouth..

Chemical sensitivity

Some toothpastes or mouthwashes contain a chemical called sodium lauryl sulfate. Although this substance is useful for oral and dental hygiene, sometimes it can damage the mouth and form mouth sores or ulcers on the tongue..

Sharp tooth surface or dental equipment

A sharp tooth surface or dental equipment such as braces or Artificial teeth They may also cause mouth sores.

Dr. Hossein Borjian, specialist in gum and bone grafting at Clinic 24

Dr. Hossein Borjian, gum and bone transplant specialist at Dr. Af


Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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