Causes of toothache after implant

Causes of toothache after implant | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

What are the causes of toothache after implant?

Many patients know that dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth and rejuvenating your smile.. Many people who need dental implants are concerned about the pain involved, and want to know how long the pain will last after dental implant surgery.. Most likely, there will be pain, but how long it will last and how mild or severe it will be varies.. In addition, there are many ways to deal with and minimize this pain. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We will investigate the causes of toothache after implant.

Dental implants are painful

You will feel pain after the dental implant, but during the procedure Dental implants You will not feel any pain because you will be given an anesthetic. However, as the numbing wears off, you will likely feel uncomfortable.

The amount of pain after the implant depends on the method of implantation and how many implants are placed.. The longer the procedure and the more implants, the more painful it may be afterwards.

Duration of pain caused by dental implants

It is difficult to say how long the pain will last because each patient is different. Normally, you can 10 The day after the operation, you may experience some symptoms of pain and discomfort. I hope the dentist will use and prescribe painkillers to help you. There will also be inflation and after approx 3-5 The day is fading. Dental implants may be painful, but this pain will only last about a week or more 10 The day does not go on.

Periods of dental implant pain

Here is a general timeline that will give you all the information you need in terms of pain and recovery:

Dental implant pain after a week

It's normal to still be sore at this point. Follow your dentist's recovery instructions. This course can be up to 10 May the day continue.

Causes of cheek bone and tooth pain | The best dentist in Isfahan

Dental implant pain after two weeks

At this point, the pain should subside. Contact your dentist immediately – you may have an infection.

Dental implant pain after 3-4 Month

Having pain at this stage is most likely due to one of these things:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Poor blood supply
  • Interference with other drugs
  • Poor overall health
  • infection
  • A complication called overload
  • Rejection of the implant by your body
  • Allergic reaction
  • Nerve damage or tissue damage
  • In any of these cases, you should contact your dentist immediately.
Dental implant pain after a year or more

If you start experiencing pain a year or more after surgery, it could be due to one or more of the following issues::

  • Continuous smoking
  • Grinding or hardening of the teeth (Bruxism)
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Absence of gums in the desired area
  • Pain spreading to the head or neck
  • Lack of bone in the jaw
  • infection

If you feel pain towards the end of the procedure, call your dentist again. Pain after dental implants is inevitable and should only last about a week. The longer this time passes, the more serious the problem potentially becomes.

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Failure of implant implantation

A dental implant is considered failed if it is displaced, dislodged, or results in bone loss of more than one millimeter after the first year.. All these conditions are the result of failure Bone grafting It is, but it can be caused by various factors.

Doctors are very careful during dental implant placement surgery to protect against failure. In cases where an implant has failed because there is not enough tissue, doctors can perform a bone graft to regenerate enough tissue to support the implant.. Your dentist will allow enough time for recovery during the second procedure to monitor the healing process and perform the replacement surgery..

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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