Familiarity with dental zirconia veneer

Familiarity with dental zirconia veneer | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Examining dental zirconia veneers

Zirconia is a type of metal oxide that is obtained from zirconium and is part of the titanium family that exists in all parts of the world.. A large number of household items such as electrical equipment, pipes and such are made of zirconia. Due to its high strength and longevity, zirconia is considered an ideal composition for making dental veneers. Zirconium veneers are used for those patients who need veneers on the back teeth and this veneer must have high resistance to chew food.. In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We examine the zirconia veneer of the tooth.

Zirconia cover has many advantages and the beauty of this type of cover has made it more popular. A large number of dentists use dental scanning instead of the old methods and preparation of dental molds. The obtained scan is used in the dental laboratory to prepare the needed cover. It has been many years since Zirconium coating It is used to treat a large number of patients and has very high resistance, longevity and durability. Currently, the demand of dentists for zirconia veneers is more than PFM veneers, and the old veneers have remained in the past..

Materials used in the composition of zirconia veneers

The options for preparing zirconia veneers are solid zirconia, highly transparent zirconia, and layered zirconia.. Comprehensive zirconia is an integrated and very strong material and is considered a very suitable option for those patients who are facing problems such as grinding teeth and also for the preparation of veneers and bridges for posterior teeth.. Highly transparent zirconia is made of stronger compounds compared to PFM coating and has natural transparency and unique beauty.. Very clear zirconia is very suitable for the preparation of veneers for the front row teeth and the preparation of three-unit bridges. Layered zirconia is also a very strong and suitable option for the preparation of veneers and dental bridges, the substructure of which is zirconia and a layer of ceramic is placed on it, and it is very similar to PFM veneers..

Features of zirconia veneer

  • It has very high strength and durability.
  • The high bioavailability of zirconia prevents allergic reactions in patients who are allergic to PFM veneers.
  • They react well to the soft tissue of the mouth, and it is very suitable for patients who have soft tissue inflammation caused by PFM veneer or metal veneer..
  • It fits well on the surface of the tooth and its edges are not visible from under the gums.
  • It is considered a very good choice for patients who need a full cover and the appearance of the cover is very important to them, and besides its beauty, it also has good strength and durability..
  • They are resistant to cold and heat and prevent tooth sensitivity.
  • There is no need for tooth preparation to install them.
  • Due to its long life and durability, solid zirconia is very suitable for people with grinding teeth..
  • It can cover tooth discoloration, tooth abutments, and metal tooth structures.
  • It does not cause the gums to recede and prevents the color of the edges from changing.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of dental irregularity | The best dentist in Isfahan

Care tips in using zirconia veneer

Zirconia is a new material and very few studies have been done regarding its longevity. But the introduction of newer types of zirconia has removed the concerns that existed in the past. In the past, the main types of zirconia lacked the necessary transparency, but today, its new types can meet the needs of dentists and patients well, and its strength and strength have made it an excellent treatment option.. Zirconia is very suitable for the preparation of veneers for the front and back teeth, and the patient no longer has to worry about the beauty of the veneer..

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One of the concerns is that the durability of this product makes it difficult to detect tooth decay under the veneer.. But today, thanks to advanced technologies in the field of dentistry, the possibility of infection has decreased. In the past, dentists were faced with the question of whether the ceramic used to cover the upper layer of zirconia would lead to lip filling or not.. Some of the risk factors for veneer wear are teeth grinding and not using a dental guard at night. The production of veneers made of zirconia for people with grinding teeth has answered this concern well.. In fact, solid zirconia is more suitable for these people compared to PFM veneer.

Currently, there is clinical evidence in relation to the longevity of veneers zirconia It has been very satisfactory. However, the progress made in the field of zirconia veneers in the last few years has made it impossible to evaluate it accurately.. Future research may show that this type of zirconia veneer produces better results.. The use of this type of coating creates a suitable appearance in terms of aesthetics, and most patients are completely satisfied with the results obtained..

Dr. Hossein Borjian, specialist in gum and bone grafting at Clinic 24

Dr. Hossein Borjian, gum and bone transplant specialist at Dr. Af

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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Getting to know how to do dental lamination

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of dental irregularity

Methods of dental veneers

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