Performing cosmetic treatments for front teeth and lower jaw

Performing cosmetic treatments for front teeth and lower jaw | The best dentist in Isfahan - the best gum surgeon in Isfahan - the best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Performing cosmetic treatments for front teeth and lower jaw

Treatment of anterior teeth and lower jaw

  • بهداشت دهان و دندان را خوب تمرین کنید.

Scaling does not eliminate underbite, but scaling can make the underbite less visible.. دندان‌هایتان را دوبار در روز مسواک بزنید، هر روز نخ دندان بکشید و هر شش ماه یکبار برای جرم گیری دندان مراجعه کنید.


  • برای آندربایت خفیف ونیر در نظر بگیرید.

For very mild underbites, the inclusion of veneers on upper teeth may help correct visible underbite problems.. Veneers do not improve the way you chew or the angle of your jaw, they only fix cosmetic problems.

Veneers are very thin, protective white porcelains that are attached to the front of your teeth to help adjust the color, size, shape, or length of your teeth.. Your dentist can adjust specific veneers to ensure they are the right size and shape for your smile..

It is completely normal to be troubled by the appearance of the underbite. If your main concern is how your underbite will affect your smile, veneers are probably a good choice for you..
If the underbite affects the position of your teeth or the way you eat, or if it causes you any kind of pain, you will need more serious treatment than veneers..

Performing cosmetic treatments for front teeth and lower jaw | The best dentist in Isfahan - the best gum surgeon in Isfahan - the best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Instagram page of Dr. Hossein Borjian of Isfahan Laser Dental Center


  • اگر دندانپزشک شما جراحی فک و صورت را توصیه می کند بپذیرید.

اخیرا این روش، جراحی فک و صورت نامیده می‌شود که از تلفیق تغییر شکل دادن دندان‌های پایینی و گنجاندن ونیرها در دندان‌های بالایی استفاده می‌کند. Expert dentists claim that this procedure improves the appearance and function of the jaw in mild to moderate underbites..


The page of Dr. Hossein Borjian-the best dentist in Isfahan on the clinic site 24 view.

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