Different types of bone grafts

Different types of bone grafts | The best implant in Isfahan

Review of different types of bone grafts

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best implant in Isfahan We examine different types of bone grafting.

Sinus lift surgery

The upper jaw is usually not stable enough to support a dental implant on its own. If implants are needed in the upper jaw, horse bones are usually used to make a suitable base for dental implants.. Horse bones are used because they are very similar to human bones and do not dissolve as quickly as human bones.. The bones provide more support to the sinus cavity and promote bone growth in the sinus area. Improve this surgery before Dental implants It may be due to the sensitive anatomy of the sinus cavity 4 take months.

Socket implant

The most common bone graft for dental implants is the socket graft. The purpose of this type of graft is to protect the alveolar bone and prevent its deterioration. This procedure places new bone directly into the socket where the tooth was removed, creating a solid foundation for the dental implant.. It also stabilizes the socket area by healing. Usually, after the bone is grafted with the bone tissue around it, it is possible to implant a tooth in the period 4 until the 6 month used.

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Bone regeneration with bone graft blocks (Vertical bone grafting)

When the jaw is severely damaged by an accident or other trauma, the jaw may have many defects.. In this case, your dentist takes a large piece of bone from the back of the jaw and holds it in place with titanium screws until it fuses with the surrounding bone tissue.. After the healing of this bone, gum and tissue, dental implants can be inserted into it.

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Horizontal bone regeneration

Sometimes the patient's jaw is not wide enough to handle Dental implants keep. In this case, human bone is usually used to increase the width of the jaw and make it possible to continue the work.


Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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