Dental implants are not suitable for whom?

Dental implants are not suitable for whom? | The best implant in Isfahan

Dental implants are not suitable for whom?

People who have a tooth or jaw infection, dental implants not only do not solve their problem, but may also cause other problems for them.. These people should first remove their tooth infection, and then after treating their tooth infection, they should do their dental implant.. If the person is not paying attention to this issue, after the implant, if a problem arises, the implant will be removed and it will cause the doctor's effort to be wasted and costs for the person.. Stay with Dr. Hossein Borjian The best implant in Isfahan To study who dental implants are not suitable for?

Diabetic people

People with diabetes should pay attention. that placing the implant should be done with special precautions. Before a dental implant, the blood sugar level of a diabetic person should be checked by a doctor so that if the person's diabetes is controlled, an implant can be placed for him.. The chances of diabetics are the same as other normal people and there is nothing to worry about. For more information, read the article about dental implants in diabetic patients.

Dental implants are not suitable for whom? | The best implant in Isfahan

People who smoke

People who smoke, it is better to forget smoking for a while or even reduce the amount of smoking as much as possible.. It is necessary for people who smoke to consult their doctor before the implant. For more information, read how to implement implants for smokers.

Users of anticoagulants or aspirin

People who take anticoagulants or aspirin. According to the doctor's opinion, he should stop his medication 5 to 7 days before the surgery.

People undergoing radiotherapy

People who have undergone radiotherapy, especially in the jaw and face area. And patients who have been treated with bisphosphonates for a long time should not have implants.

pregnant women

Dental implant during pregnancy is one of the things that doctors are strongly against doing during pregnancy and avoid doing it during pregnancy as much as possible..

tip : The scientific accuracy of the above published materials should be confirmed by the patient in person with Dr. Borjian himself.

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