Investigating the treatment of anterior teeth and lower jaw (underbite)
It does not need to be a common dental problem like underbite prevent you from smiling. While some underbytes do not cause problems. But other underbites may cause problems with eating, speaking, jaw pain, headaches, and obstructive sleep disorders.. Correct treatment of underbite depends on the condition and age of the patient. But this treatment always requires the help of a dentist or Orthodontic specialist Is. In the rest of this article, we will examine the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian on the treatment of anterior teeth and lower jaw.
Definition of underbite
underbite (underbite) It is a condition in which the lower teeth come forward. so that it looks like the jaw is protruding from the mouth. Problem underbite It can be mild or severe, requiring dental treatment. Meanwhile, the lower teeth that are facing forward are rarely regular on their own. Because the complications of underbite include mouth breathing, difficulty speaking and tooth decay. Treatment is important.
The cause of underbite or front teeth and lower jaw
the reason underbite It is mainly genetic. This means that the front teeth and lower jaw happen by themselves and usually cannot be prevented. Most preventable causes of underbite include childhood habits that put pressure on the growing teeth..
Treatment of underbite or front teeth and lower jaw
In the following, treatment methods for mild, moderate and severe underbite and cosmetic treatments for front teeth and lower jaw will be mentioned.
Question about orthodontic wires from an orthodontic specialist
wires Orthodontic A common treatment for many problems is underbite. How long you need braces will depend on the severity of your underbite problem, as with any other dental problem you may have.. Talk to your dentist or orthodontist to find out if braces are a good choice for you..
Metal braces are commonly used to treat underbites, but clear braces, such as invisible braces, may be an option for mild to moderate underbite problems.. Talk to your orthodontist and oral hygienist so they can find the right option for you.
Talk about tooth extraction with the dentist
Tooth extraction is the starting point for underbite treatment in adults. Getting rid of the misaligned jaw angle can reduce the overall pressure on the teeth and allow the remaining teeth to fall into place.. This step is usually a quick process done by your dentist in the office.
For a tooth extraction, your dentist will use local anesthesia in the area of the tooth to extract the tooth. Once the area is numb, dentists use a set of dental instruments to loosen the tooth and pull it out.. Depending on the type of numbness, you should not feel anything other than a slight pressure.
Review of maxillary expander
Maxillary expanders are usually placed at the top of your mouth and held in place using your upper molars.. These mechanical devices are permanently installed to gradually help the lower jaw to fall into place. The expander is installed by your orthodontist. After installing the expander, you use a key to control the expansion of the expander.
The key is made of a plastic handle and a metal tip that goes inside the expander. Your orthodontist will show you how to insert the metal tip of the key into the expander and use the key when installing the expander.. You will see your orthodontist regularly to make sure things are going well. Usually, expanders are used for three to six months. These expanders may be a bit annoying when first used. But many people say that expanders are more comfortable than orthodontics.
Performing cosmetic treatments for front teeth and lower jaw
Oral hygiene practice
Scaling does not eliminate underbite, but scaling can make the underbite less visible.. Brush your teeth twice a day Toothbrush Hit, every day dental floss Draw and visit every six months for dental scaling.
Veneers for mild underbite
For very mild underbites, the inclusion of veneers on upper teeth may help correct visible underbite problems.. Veneers do not improve the way you chew or the angle of your jaw, they only fix cosmetic problems. Veneers are very thin, protective white porcelains that are attached to the front of your teeth to help adjust the color, size, shape, or length of your teeth.. Your dentist can adjust specific veneers to ensure they are the right size and shape for your smile..
It is completely normal to be troubled by the appearance of the underbite. If your main concern is how your underbite will affect your smile, veneers are probably a good choice for you.. If the underbite affects the position of your teeth or the way you eat, or if it causes you any kind of pain, you will need more serious treatment than veneers..
Maxillofacial surgery
Recently, this method is called maxillofacial surgery. which uses a combination of reshaping the lower teeth and incorporating veneers on the upper teeth. Expert dentists claim that this procedure improves the appearance and function of the jaw in mild to moderate underbites.. Because this method is new, it is not done everywhere. The effects of this method in the long term and its effectiveness have not been proven yet.
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