Reasons for all kinds of irregular teeth

Reasons for all kinds of irregular teeth | The best dentist in Isfahan

Examining the causes of irregular teeth

Occlusion is a term that refers to the order and regularity of the teeth. Ideally, the teeth should fit easily on top of each other and not be compressed or spaced apart. Also, none of the teeth should be rotated or crooked. The teeth of the upper jaw should slightly cover the teeth of the lower jaw. so that the ridges of the lower molars fit into the grooves of the upper molars. In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the reasons for various types of teeth misalignment.

Deviation from ideal occlusion is called malocclusion. This deviation has different types. In any case, deviation of any kind has many consequences. Keeping the upper teeth in order is necessary to avoid biting the cheeks and lips. However, it is necessary to keep the lower teeth in order to avoid biting the tongue.

Reasons for irregular teeth

Misalignment of teeth is usually hereditary, meaning that it is passed from one generation to the next.. There are complications or habits such as the following that change the shape and structure of the jaw:

  • Cleft lip and palate (Harelip)
  • Constant sucking of the pacifier after 3 age
  • Long-term use of baby bottles during childhood
  • Finger sucking in childhood
  • Injuries that lead to crookedness and deviation of the jaw.
  • A tumor in the mouth or jaw
  • Malformed or impacted teeth
  • Improper restorations that cause filled, veneered, or wired teeth to not fit together properly.
  • Airway obstruction (Breathing through the mouth) Allergy or enlargement of tonsils or third tonsil is one of its causes.

Different types of irregular teeth

In the following, we will examine the types of problems related to irregularity and irregularity of teeth.

Open Byte

An open bite is a condition in which the upper and lower teeth do not fit together well. This problem is usually seen in children who suck their thumb or always press their tongue against their teeth..


The lower jaw is further than the upper jaw underbite Called. In this case, the lower teeth cover the upper teeth. This problem is not only unpleasant. Rather, it causes the patient to feel pain and discomfort in the jaw when chewing and talking.

Misalignment of teeth with overbite

An overbite is the opposite of an underbite, this time the upper jaw is ahead of the lower jaw. In some cases, the overbite is so severe that the lower teeth touch the roof of the mouth and cause pain and various problems when chewing..

Misalignment of teeth with crossbite

Crossbite is a condition where the upper teeth are placed inside the lower teeth. Crossbite often leads to jaw deviation and complications such as temporomandibular joint disorder.

Problems related to crooked and irregular teeth | The best dentist in Isfahan
The front teeth are high

The front teeth of the upper jaw are much further than the lower teeth. The lower teeth are sometimes not as far forward as they should be.

Spacing of teeth

Patients' teeth are sometimes spaced due to missing teeth or too much space in the mouth. An orthodontist can correct the problem of the distance between the teeth with cosmetic treatments, if the problem is not solved, the teeth are usually wired..

Crowding and crowding of teeth

Crowding of teeth is a problem for many patients, in this case, the teeth fall on top of each other or are crooked.. To correct the problem of the teeth, wiring is usually done to increase the mouth space and arrange the teeth. Sometimes it is necessary to pull a tooth to create a space.

Problems related to midline alignment of teeth

Appropriateness of midline (The midline of the teeth) It refers to the way the teeth in the back of the mouth overlap and does not focus so much on the bite of the front teeth. Midline alignment problems cause complications for the jaw and the proper functioning of the teeth.

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Classification of jaw and teeth problems

Malocclusion is divided into three main types as follows:

Class one

class occlusion mal 1 It is said that the upper teeth are in front of the lower teeth. Byte in this type mal occlusion It is suitable and normal and the amount of overlap is small. class occlusion mal 1 It is the most common type.

Class two

class occlusion mal 2 It is a state where there is a severe overbite. This disorder is also called retrognathism. It means that the upper jaw and teeth are too far ahead of the lower jaw and teeth.

Class three

class occlusion mal 3 It is a state where there is severe underbite. This disorder, which is also called prognathism, refers to the front of the lower jaw. In this case, it covers the lower teeth of the jaw and the upper teeth.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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