Reasons for replacing dental implants

Reasons for replacing dental implants | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Examining the reasons for dental implant replacement

The durability of dental implants helps you to have a replacement for your missing tooth. Implant is the best decision to improve your health and hygiene. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We will examine the reasons for changing dental implants.

The implant consists of three components. The first part of the implant is a titanium rod that attaches to your jawbone and acts as an anchor for the crown.. In the implant, there is a part that connects the implant (abutment) It keeps the tooth firmly in place and prevents it from moving. The third component of the implant is the real tooth, which is the crown of the tooth. The ceramic layer gives a completely natural appearance to the tooth and is attached to the implant connection, which is one of the most important parts of dental implants..

Longevity of dental implants

If you devote time to oral hygiene on a daily basis, you can have white and shiny teeth. Studies show that the long-term durability of dental implants and its lifespan 20 is the year. In these tests, whether short-term or long-term use is considered, dental implants can last for a decade or more.. The tooth crown is often between 10 until the 15 Lasts the year before replacement.

Loss of dental implants over time

Two important factors that lead to the loss of dental implants: Infection around the dental implant (peri-implantitis) and recoil Bone grafting (Ossointegration) Is. This implant failure occurs in the early years or even in the first six months after surgery. Peri-implantitis is a gum disease in which the implant becomes infected and damages the bone around the tooth.. This factor can lead to loose teeth.

Bone graft rejection

Occurs when bone grows around the implant and puts too much pressure on it.. This problem depends on the quality of the bone and whether you smoke or if the dentist performed the bone graft with correct surgical techniques..

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Compliance with oral hygiene

Other factors that affect the durability of dental implants depend on your lifestyle and oral hygiene. Because dental professionals use advanced technology, failure of implant treatment due to retraction or failure is rare.. But factors such as pre-existing medical problems, disease and improper use of the implant can affect its durability..

Diabetic people

The risk of dental implant failure is higher in people who smoke or have diabetes or other diseases such as cancer.. It is also important to have enough jawbone so that the implant can be attached to the jaw during surgery. If you have lost your teeth and your bone is also atrophied, your dentist should examine your condition and offer you a safe and permanent solution.. If your jawbone is not strong enough, it must be completely regenerated before bone surgery.

The position of your tooth and where the implant is placed has an effect on the loss of the implant over time.. If your tooth is in the back of your mouth, there is more pressure on it when you chew, which can cause the implant to wear out more quickly.. If this is done by a specialist dentist, the risk of improper placement and loss of the implant is reduced..

Finally, grinding the teeth together can cause problems for them. Grinding the teeth irritates the implant and may lead to its breakage. If the implant is lost, the surgeon will remove the implant safely and quickly.

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How to replace dental implants

Since dental implants are an invasive surgical treatment and are placed inside the jawbone, the goal is to have a treatment plan that lasts a lifetime and is performed with complete precision.. However, if the upper portion of the implant breaks or needs to be discolored, it can be easily replaced.. But the main dental implant, which is inside the bone, is not replaced. However, there are several things that can accelerate the deterioration of the implant, and therefore the need to replace the dental implant sooner than desired..

The main reason for the loss Dental implant, poor oral hygiene and less visits to the dentist after implant placement, which leads to infection.. A dental implant infection, like gum disease, can separate the gum and bone from the implant, causing the implant to loosen.. When this happens, the implant can no longer support the teeth and there is an increased risk of infection..

When this problem occurs, the dentist will likely recommend removing the implant based on the extent of the implant destruction.. If you need a new implant, your dentist will determine treatment options based on your recovery, the success of your gum treatment, and the strength of your jawbone.. Ideally, dental implants are among the treatments that should not be performed with the thought of replacement in the future.

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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