Treatment methods for receding gums

Treatment methods for receding gums | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Getting to know the treatment methods for receding gums

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We will examine the treatment methods for receding gums. The best thing to do is try to prevent receding gums from happening by understanding how it happens and choosing healthy habits that can reduce your risk.. با این حال، گاهی اوقات نمی‌توانید از عقب رفتگی لثه جلوگیری کنید و برای جلوگیری از پیشرفت و معکوس کردن اثرات، باید درمان شود. دو روش اصلی برای عقب رفتگی لثه وجود دارد:

Scaling method

If gum disease If it is detected early and does not damage the structures below the gum line, a professional cleaning should be done. If the cavity between your gum and tooth is very deep, scaling and root canal treatment may be needed. This deep cleaning has two parts. Scaling is when your dentist plaque and tartar (Hard plate) Remove above and below the gum line and make sure to clean all the way to the bottom of the cavity. The dentist then begins root canal treatment, treating and cleaning the roots of your teeth to reattach them to the gums.. Scaling and root canal treatment may be done more than once and may require local anesthetic.

After a deep cleaning, you may have pain for a day or two and tooth sensitivity for up to a week. Your gums may also be swollen, sensitive, and bleeding. To prevent infection, control pain, or help with healing, your dentist may prescribe a pill or mouthwash. Your dentist may also prescribe medication (Doxycycline with a sub-antimicrobial dose) insert directly into the cleaned cavity.

The dentist will schedule another visit to see how your gums are healing and to measure the depth of your cavity. If they are deeper, more treatment may be needed. Good dental care at home is essential to prevent gum disease from becoming serious or recurring. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, clean between your teeth daily, eat a balanced diet, avoid smoking, and visit your dentist regularly..

Gum graft treatment

For more severe cases of receding gums, the dentist may recommend a gum graft to repair the damaged gum tissue and restore the mouth.. With gum grafting, the dentist surgically removes diseased gum tissue or damaged gum tissue and transplants parts of healthy and delicate gum tissue in place to restore the affected areas..

What do you expect from gum transplant surgery? First, your gums should be evaluated by a periodontist. If you have symptoms of gingivitis or active gum disease, you will need treatment to restore gum health before gum graft surgery.. In general, the more severe the damage caused by gingival recession, the less predictable it is to achieve complete root coverage after gum graft surgery.. There are several different types of gum grafts depending on your specific needs.

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Chao Pin Hole Technique

The Pin-hole technique is a minimally invasive, quick and effective treatment option, especially for those suffering from general receding gums.. Pinhole surgery allows the dentist to insert tissue into your existing gum tissue through a few small holes the size of a pencil tip.. A special set of tools is then used to loosen and stretch the gum tissue, allowing it to gently slide into place to cover the root of your tooth.. The benefits associated with this technique are that there are no scalpels, sutures, or tissue grafts.

Pedicle grafting

Pedicle grafts are transplanted from the soft tissues adjacent to the receded area and moved onto the damaged tooth.. The soft tissue is partially cut so it is attached at one edge and laterally rotated and secured over the exposed root.. This method is only possible for people who have receded a large area of ​​gum tissue near the tooth.

Connective tissue graft

Subepithelial connective tissue grafting is used for the treatment of protruding tooth roots due to receding gums.. During this gum surgery procedure, a small pouch incision is made in the roof of your mouth, so the connective tissue layer beneath the upper epithelial layer can be removed.. Then this graft tissue is transferred and placed in place around the tooth in a safe place.

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Free gum grafting

Free gum grafting is used in problematic areas that are associated with a lack of keratinized tissue and receding gums.. For gingival free grafts, tissue from the roof of the mouth is also used, but instead of creating a flap, a small piece of tissue is taken directly from the outer layer of the roof of the mouth. (Epithelium) It is removed and this piece is used to cover the affected tooth and the treated area. If your gum tissue is quite thin, this gum surgery procedure may be recommended, as the graft can effectively create a suitable area of ​​attached gum and help cover the exposed roots..

during surgery Gum graftingYour periodontist will make sure you get enough local anesthesia to make the procedure painless and make sure you feel comfortable.. After gum transplant surgery, the pain that the patient feels will largely depend on the type of gum surgery.. For a few days after the operation, most patients compare the discomfort to burning pizza.

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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