Ways to treat the infection of the coated tooth

Ways to treat the infection of the coated tooth | The best dentist in Isfahan

Investigating ways to treat the infection of coated teeth

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We will examine the ways to treat the infection of the veneered tooth. Be with us.

The type of treatment a person receives for a tooth infection depends on various factors, including::

The primary location of the abscess

  • The probability of spreading the infection and the rate of spread
  • The extent of the immune system's response to infection
  • Possible treatments Tooth infection Includes the following:

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment (RCT) It may be necessary to treat an abscess deep in the tooth. This method involves drilling a hole in the tooth to remove the infection and bacteria collected in the root.

Then the dentist will fill the space with a rubber-like substance called "gutta percha".. Once the tooth has healed, it is repaired with a crown or permanent filling to prevent further infections..


Sometimes, RCT is not enough to get rid of a dental infection. In such cases, the dentist may recommend a procedure called apicoectomy, or removal of the end of the root. This procedure involves opening the gums to remove the root end of the tooth along with any infected tissue.

Tooth discoloration after nerve extraction | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan


The dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to reduce the infection and prevent its spread.

If the infection has already spread, a person may need to prolong their course of antibiotic treatment. It may be necessary to alternately use a different type of antibiotic. If the infection is severe, the person may need to be hospitalized and receive intravenous antibiotics.


In certain cases, it may be necessary to drain the pus directly from the site of infection.

For example, drainage may be necessary to remove pus from a parapharyngeal abscess at the back of the mouth.

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Cover replacement

It may be necessary to remove and replace your crown to treat decay under your teeth. Depending on the extent of the decay, you may need to have a new veneer made to cover a larger area.

If need to replace Dental crowns If you have or think you may need a crown, the process is simple. In order to create space for the veneer, the tooth should be slightly ground down. The dentist then takes a mold of the tooth and prepares a custom-designed crown. When your crown is ready, it is cemented on your tooth and with proper oral hygiene routine, 10 It will last a year or more.

pull tooth

In more severe cases, if the decay has spread throughout your tooth and cannot be restored or treated, you may have to have the tooth extracted..

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article is managed and published by the site admin.

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