Different methods of making artificial teeth

Different methods of making artificial teeth | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Investigating different methods of making artificial teeth

Artificial teeth are also used to fill empty teeth. You have probably seen this method for your grandfather or grandmother who used to pull out their teeth and keep them in a glass of water.. In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We will study and review different methods of making artificial teeth.

How to make artificial teeth is very simple in theory. A set of artificial teeth is made on a plastic base that is the same color as your gums and placed in your mouth. These teeth are removable. Fortunately, modern methods of making artificial teeth have been invented. These dental prostheses can even be fixed to the jaw with an implant base.

Of course, you might think Dentures It must be mobile and removable. No, there are fixed methods in this type of dental implant, which has managed to become a competitor in implant and bridge implant methods.. which is called "ordenture"..

Various methods of making artificial teeth

Ordenture (Fixed prosthesis):

Dental implantation in the overdenture method requires an implant base. Many clients feel uncomfortable with the movement of the artificial tooth and its removal. As a result, dental professionals discovered this method of fixed prosthesis. In this method, the same artificial tooth is connected to the jaw with the help of the implant base, so these teeth will no longer come out of the mouth.. Based on the experience gained so far, artificial teeth can last between 5 and 10 years, but it is better to see a doctor after some time has passed and replace your artificial teeth if necessary because the gums may change over time. be.

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partial denture:

If you have lost part of your teeth and are applying for artificial teeth implants, you should use this method. Removable prostheses with retainers are placed on the jaw to fill the space between the teeth..

Suction dentures:

Small suction cups are used in this type of implant. This cup-like part is made of soft silicone rubber and is gently placed on it without irritating the oral tissue. A full denture can be converted to a suction type by attaching this soft cup-like part to it.

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Flipper dentures:

A temporary denture is used to replace one or more missing teeth. Its purpose is to temporarily fill a tooth gap until the person is ready for a dental implant or bridge. These teeth help to prevent problems in the beauty of the smile and also speaking.

A complete set of dentures:

If you have lost all your teeth, you can use this method Dental implants use. There is a flesh-colored, acrylic-based portion of the denture that covers the gums and the roof of the mouth and helps the teeth look natural..

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Advantages of artificial teeth

  • It costs much less than implants and bridges.
  • It does not require surgery.
  • It is a suitable method for those who have special diseases or jawbone problems and cannot have implants.
  • Those who have problems with the appearance of the gums, using this method, can get rid of their inappropriate appearance.

Disadvantages and complications of artificial teeth

The following are the most important disadvantages of artificial teeth that have made it less popular than implants:

  • In this method, the jaw bone does not have the necessary support, and you are still facing the loss of the jaw bone due to the empty root of the missing tooth..
  • In all types of mobile prostheses, such as artificial teeth, the movement and displacement of teeth will feel unpleasant for the person.
  • The lifespan of artificial teeth is shorter than implants and bridges.
  • Any small change in the jaw, due to the passage of time or fattening and thinning of the face, may cause you problems.. For this reason, you will need a new mold for the denture.
  • One of the problems with dentures is cleaning them. For this, you need to take them out of your mouth during the night. This work is also necessary for gum regeneration.
  • But this case is not really pleasant for many people.
  • Impaired speech and even falling when shouting are common disadvantages of these types of teeth.
  • The natural appearance of artificial teeth is less than a bridge, and a bridge is less than a dental implant.

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article is managed and published by the site admin.

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