Answers to frequently asked questions about orthodontic wax

Answers to frequently asked questions about orthodontic wax | The best dentist in Isfahan

Answers to frequently asked questions about orthodontic wax

In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine frequently asked questions about orthodontic wax.

Does the wax come off when you brush your teeth?

You can remove the wax while brushing your teeth and apply it again after brushing your teeth.

Is swallowing orthodontic wax dangerous?

No, orthodontic wax is non-toxic and safe, and if you accidentally swallow it, you won't have any problems..

Does anyone else notice orthodontic wax on the wires and brackets?

Orthodontic wax It is transparent and its presence on the brace does not attract attention.

What other materials can I use instead of orthodontic wax?

Some patients use special thin silicone strips or plastic lip protectors that are placed over the braces..

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Can I eat with wax on braces?

No, because food causes the wax to spill. Remove the wax before eating and reapply the wax after you have eaten and brushed your teeth..

Can the wax be reused, how can the used wax be cleaned?

Orthodontic wax is not too expensive to reuse, your orthodontist may even give it to you for free, so there is no reason to reuse it.. The wax you put on the brackets will crumble and fall off after a while, so used wax has the same effect as fresh wax and is easier to remove..

Is it okay to leave the wax on the brace overnight or should I remove the wax before going to bed?

You can leave the wax on the brace overnight and protect your mouth tissue while you sleep. Because you have no control over your muscles when you sleep, metal wires may cause more damage to your mouth, especially if you are used to sleeping on your stomach..

Does the wax fall when drinking water?

Probably yes, it's better to remove the wax and drink water. After drinking water, you don't need to brush your teeth, just dry your mouth and reapply the wax to the braces..

What compound is there in the wax that makes the pain and discomfort of the teeth less?

There is no special substance in wax that reduces toothache. Orthodontic wax It is applied to the parts of the brace that rub inside the mouth, preventing it from scratching the metal edges inside the mouth.. Therefore, orthodontic wax does not affect toothache, but it reduces the discomfort of oral tissues.

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If I remove the wax before eating or drinking, can I use it again or do I have to apply new wax to the braces?

To maintain your health and hygiene, it is better to use a new piece of wax.

After how long does orthodontic wax dry?

Wax does not necessarily "dry".. This new wax is designed to reduce the irritation of the brace on the tissues inside the mouth, and the characteristics of the wax itself do not necessarily change..

How to remove the wax stuck to the back of the mouth?

Moisten the toothbrush with water and remove the wax. Gently rub the toothbrush on the stuck wax to remove the wax.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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