What are the causes and symptoms of oral cysts?

What are the causes and symptoms of oral cysts? | The best dentist in Isfahan

Examination of the cause and symptoms of oral cysts

Written today on Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan It has been compiled for you. We examine the causes and symptoms of oral cysts. An oral cyst that is not yet infected does not show any symptoms. When the cyst becomes large enough to cause symptoms, the symptoms are usually as follows:

  • the pain
  • Pressure
  • Inflammation and redness

If the cyst is in the mucous tissues of the mouth, it may look like a sore or blister. As a result, unless the cyst is large enough to create a lump that can be seen or felt during palpation, it is usually only possible to detect a cyst with an X-ray..

Ways to treat oral and dental cysts

Treatment varies depending on the size of the jaw and its location. If the cyst is small, the doctor can remove it all during surgery without damaging the tissues around the tooth.

In other cases, a surgical technique called marsupialization is possible (marsupialization) It is used in which the cyst is cut and opened to drain the contents and then sutured to keep it open to prevent the cyst from getting bigger in the future.. For teeth that have been damaged by irreversible cyst growth, denervation may be necessary. Before deciding to treat an oral cyst, a CT scan is always recommended to check the condition of the teeth and bones and treat accordingly..

What are the causes and symptoms of oral cysts? | The best dentist in Isfahan

The difference between a cyst and a dental abscess

A cyst is a bag containing liquid or semi-solid material around a tooth or gum that is not initially infected, but if it becomes infected, it is called an abscess.. A tooth abscess is an acute infection that is swollen and very painful. Sometimes the bacteria causing the infection cause a bad taste in the mouth.

Factors that lead to the formation of dental cysts

In general, dental cysts are formed at the root tips of dying teeth or dead teeth, but there are other reasons for their formation..

  • Improper position of permanent teeth
  • Abnormal growth of teeth
  • Complication caused by denervation

Complications of Guerlain disorder or other inherited disorders. People with basal cell nevus syndrome (Basal) They have what is called Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, they don't have the gene that suppresses the growth of embryos. This syndrome causes multiple odontogenic keratocysts in the jaw, basal cell carcinoma cells, and other features..

  • Growth of wisdom teeth
  • Mutations in cells involved in normal tooth development.

How to prevent the formation of oral cysts

Aside from maintaining good oral hygiene, which is the most important thing you can do for your oral health, visit the dentist twice a year to prevent cysts from forming or growing or other dental problems.. Oral cysts can develop in anyone, but they are more common in those who do not maintain good oral hygiene. Healthy teeth rarely develop cysts around them. In addition to the dental checkup, any dental problem you have should go to the dentist as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming more complicated..

Note: The scientific accuracy of the above published materials should be confirmed by the patient in person with Dr. Borjian himself.

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