What are the causes of gum disease?

What are the causes of gum disease? | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Investigating the causes of gum disease

In an article published today on Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan It has been compiled for you dear ones. In general, gum inflammation or infection is divided into two categories:

Gum disease caused by plaque and bacteria:

The effect of plaque on the gums can be due to poor oral hygiene, the effect of certain drugs or diseases, or malnutrition.

Non-plaque gum disease:

Some bacteria, fungi or viruses can cause gum disease. Some of these conditions are influenced by genetic factors or systemic medical problems (Such as allergies and some diseases), wound or body reaction to foreign substances (Like dentures) is. Sometimes there is no specific reason for it.

Blackening of the gums:

There are changes in the color of the gums, which can be due to smoking, side effects of some drugs, or poor oral hygiene.. But the main reason for the blackening of the gums is the accumulation of melanin in the gums, which must be treated as soon as possible.

Leukoplakia disease:

This type of disease causes whitening of the gums or white spots on the mouth and gums. They are usually harmless and resolve on their own, but if these spots increase and do not resolve after a while, you must visit a dentist because it may lead to oral cancer..

In another category, the types of gum disease are divided into the following two categories in terms of severity:

  • Gingivitis (Mild type with reversible damage)
  • periodontitis (Advanced type with irreversible damage)

What are the causes of gum disease? | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

What are the warning signs of gum disease?

Even if you do not feel uncomfortable, if you have the following symptoms, be sure to see a dentist immediately:

  • Change in the contact of the teeth together or the lack of size of the denture
  • Creating a gap between teeth and gums or a groove between them
  • Bleeding gums after or during brushing
  • loose teeth
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth that does not go away.
  • Gum recession around the teeth
  • Redness, swelling, or tenderness of the gums to touch or pressure

What factors lead to inflammation or gum disease?

Most cases of gum disease occur due to improper oral hygiene. Bacteria live in the plaque accumulated on the teeth and cause gingivitis. Gingivitis does not cause pain in most people. If you treat it in time, it will not cause lasting damage. In the early stages, gum disease can be treated only by regular brushing and flossing. But if you don't treat gum inflammation or infection early, it will progress and spread to the underlying structures, destroy the bone, and you may lose your tooth..

Apart from oral hygiene, what other factors provide the basis for various types of gum disease?

  • Hormonal changes in women
  • Some diseases such as cancer, diabetes and AIDS
  • Some drugs, especially drugs that reduce the flow of saliva. Phenytoin (Dilantin) which is an anticonvulsant drug and some antianginal drugs can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue.
  • smoking
  • age increasing
  • Improper diet plan (For example, vitamin C deficiency)

Note: The scientific accuracy of the above published materials should be confirmed by the patient in person with Dr. Borjian himself.

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