Causes of tooth root remaining in the gum

Causes of tooth root remaining in the gum | The best dentist in Isfahan

Investigating the causes of tooth roots remaining in the gums

Root remaining in the gum is certainly caused by various things. In today's article, the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the causes of tooth roots remaining in the gums. In some cases, it is possible to see that tooth extraction is very necessary for some people. For this reason, removing the root from the gum is very urgent because it causes damage to other teeth. Some of the factors that cause the root to remain in the gum include the following:

The presence of a broken tooth

One of the problems that occurs for most people is tooth breakage. In most cases, only a small part of the teeth is broken, in which case we can treat the tooth with a composite. But there are cases where the tooth breaks completely and very close to the gum. In this situation, the tooth needs basic treatment and it is necessary to remove the root from the gum. Complications of broken teeth may occur during sports activities. The most common reasons for a broken tooth is falling, which usually happens in children and causes the loss of a tooth.

Having wisdom teeth

Some people can hear the name Wisdom tooth feel a little scared. But the important thing is that if you take care of this tooth, you will not have any special problem. Usually, most people have wisdom teeth naturally, but there are also some people who face the problem of undeveloped wisdom teeth..

To check the condition of these types of teeth, it is necessary to take a radiological picture of the jaw. After taking the radiology picture, the dentist will check whether the tooth needs to be extracted or not. It is usually necessary for most people to have their wisdom teeth removed. For this reason, it is necessary to remove the tooth. If the wisdom tooth is not treated, it may damage other teeth.

The risks and complications of leaving the root in the gum | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

pull tooth

Pulling teeth can happen for various reasons, such as periodontal disease. This disease is caused by inflammation of the gums and accumulation of bacteria and tooth decay. In most cases, tooth extraction is a simple task and does not cause much pain. But in some people, pulling teeth may be a difficult and complicated task, in this situation it is not possible to use the usual methods. It is possible that the tooth may break during extraction and cause the root to remain in the gum. In some cases, tooth extraction is done due to the smallness of the jaw and the number of teeth.

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Failure to observe oral hygiene

Failure to observe dental hygiene, not brushing teeth, not using dental floss and mouthwashes causes tooth decay. In general, you can observe general oral and dental hygiene and prevent most problems related to teeth.

When people don't pay attention to their teeth, they will certainly suffer from decay and problems. Weakness in the teeth causes tooth decay, which is most likely to break the tooth. In these cases, the need for tooth extraction is felt. Therefore, not observing oral and dental hygiene makes you need root canal treatment.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be consulted with the patient in person with Mr. Dr. Berjian, Mastership Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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Comment on "Causes of tooth root remaining in the gum"

  1. Parsley

    Dr. Borjian operated on my wisdom tooth, but the entire tooth was surgically removed

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