What are the causes and factors of bleeding gums?

Causes and factors of bleeding gums | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Investigating the causes and factors of gum bleeding

In today's article on Dr. Hossein Barjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan which is prepared for you dear ones. The appropriate age for extraction will study the causes and factors of bleeding gums.

  • Gum disease, which means gum inflammation and infection.
  • Brushing hard or using a toothbrush with stiff bristles.
  • Just started flossing (Because the gums are not used to it).
  • Taking certain medications such as blood thinners.
  • Gingivitis caused by pregnancy.
  • The lack of artificial teeth.
  • Defects of dental prostheses or restorations.

Other factors that cause bleeding gums :


Bleeding or swollen gums can be one of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. When you have diabetes, the mouth does not have enough strength to fight against harmful microbes, so the possibility of getting oral infections increases.. High blood sugar in diabetes makes it harder for the body to heal tissues and this makes gum disease worse..


Bleeding gums are one of the symptoms of leukemia (leukemia) can also be. Leukemia is a type of cancer in which blood platelets are low. Normally, platelets stop bleeding, but in leukemia, bleeding occurs more due to the lack of platelets.

Causes and factors of bleeding gums | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth and the bleeding does not stop on its own or is profuse, the gums may be irritated or you may have thrombocytopenia.. If you have thrombocytopenia, your body cannot produce enough platelets to clot the blood. This situation leads to more bleeding than normal in different parts of the body, including the gums.


If your gums are bleeding a lot or even small cuts or dental work won't stop the bleeding. There is also the possibility of having hemophilia or von Willebrand disease. In this condition, the blood does not coagulate properly, so the bleeding continues.

lack of vitamin "C":

This vitamin helps tissue growth and repair, wounds heal, and bones and teeth become stronger.. If the body does not receive enough vitamin C, you may feel weak and irritable. Over time, your gums may swell and bleed easily.


In rare cases, severe vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy. Scurvy is a disease related to malnutrition. And it causes the body to weaken, anemia and subcutaneous bleeding. Bleeding gums is one of the symptoms of scurvy.

Vitamin K deficiency:

If you have severe bleeding from the gums, it may be due to vitamin K deficiency. This vitamin helps in blood clotting. It is also necessary for bone health. If you do not get enough vitamin K through food or if it is not absorbed well, it can cause bleeding problems in the body.

The scientific accuracy of the above published materials, with the patient's personal consultation with Mr. Dr. Borjian himself It must be approved by them.

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