What is dental pulp surgery?

What is dental pulp surgery? | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Examining dental pulp operation

Pulp is the core of the tooth, where the nerve, blood vessels and connective tissue are located. The pulp is protected by a protective layer of dentin and enamel and is the only living part of the tooth. During the development of teeth, nutrients reach the pulp through blood vessels so that the tooth grows. In the next article on Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan It has been published. We will study the dental pulp operation.

The difference between pulpotomy and pulpectomy

In milk tooth pulpotomy, the crown part of the dental pulp chamber is evacuated. This part of the tooth is above the gum and does not include the root. Pulpotomy is performed in a tooth that is alive and has sensation and circulation. For the treatment to be successful, it must first be ensured that no abscess has formed in this area, no spontaneous pain is experienced, and no bone loss occurs under the tooth..

But in pulpectomy, the entire pulp part of the tooth, including the part in the crown and the root part, must be removed.. This treatment takes place in a tooth that is no longer alive. A pulpectomy is performed to treat dead baby teeth or permanent teeth that have an abscess or pulp infection. In this treatment, all the contents of the pulp chamber are removed, while in pulpotomy, only the upper part of the pulp, which is located in the crown of the tooth, is removed.. In pulpectomy, the goal is to clean and clear the entire root canal and fill it and ultimately prevent future infections..

What is dental pulp surgery? | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

The main procedure of pulpectomy in milk teeth

Although this treatment is often done in milk teeth, it can also be done in permanent teeth that have decayed or an injury that has reached the pulp..

The doctor's diagnosis of the need for pulpotomy or pulpectomy

With radiology photo (X-Ray) It can be determined from the tooth and electric test whether the tooth is alive or not and what treatment works best for it. Durability and success of treatment should also be considered.

The method of pulpotomy and pulpectomy

Both treatments begin after the injection of anesthesia into the gums. After the mouth is numbed, the decayed parts of the tooth are shaved and the pulp is cleaned to remove all bacteria.. Often, a piece of rubber cloth called a rubber band is used to cover and separate the rest of the mouth from the treated tooth.. After the tooth cleaning process is over, the tooth is usually prone to breakage, discoloration or even pain. The tissues may be inflamed and a little sore. For this reason, housing is recommended. To maintain the integrity of the tooth and prevent it from breaking, the tooth may be coated.
After the treatment, visit the dentist every six months to check the condition of the teeth.

The difference between denervation and pulpectomy

In pulpectomy, only the pulp chamber and the root are drained and cleaned. But in denervation of the tooth, another step is done, which is to fill the empty space inside the tooth. In this way, the tooth is carefully filled and then sealed.

Note: The scientific accuracy of the above published materials should be confirmed by the patient in person with Dr. Borjian himself.

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