Getting to know the complications of dental composite

Complications of dental composite | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Examining the complications of dental composite

Choosing the right treatment plan and the exact implementation of the composite has a great impact on its success. Otherwise, it causes the following complications. Complications of composite are usually temporary and disappear after some time. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We examine the complications of dental composite.

Tooth decay:

Most of the people who are planning to have their teeth composited ask their dentist if composites cause tooth decay. In answer to this question, it should be said that in rare cases where the tooth enamel needs to be shaved to place the composite, if you do not take good care of the composite of your teeth, it will lead to Tooth decay will be.

Gum swelling:

In some situations, the composite leads to swelling of the gums. In this case, do not worry because the problem will be solved by visiting the dentist on time.

Bad breath:

After composite teeth, it is possible for some reasons including: Incompatibility of the composite with the edge of the tooth, non-observance of oral and dental hygiene, gum disease, loosening of the mouth cover, it becomes smelly..

Sensitivity in the teeth:

In some situations, the use of composite makes the teeth sensitive to cold and heat. Sometimes this sensitivity continues for a month even more.

Misalignment of teeth:

After the composite is applied, the shape and size of the teeth will change and the person may have a problem with the teeth not matching each other.. Misalignment of teeth makes it difficult for a person to eat, talk and laugh.

feeling pain:

Pain and discomfort after the composite should be resolved within two weeks at most. If the pain persists, its main cause should be identified. Pain after composite can be due to: Lack of proper care of composites, the presence of decay in the teeth under the composite, damage to the vessels, tissues, nerve fibers, when implanting the composite, failure to form the composite resin on the tooth.. If you feel a lot of pain, burning and bruising, the cause should be determined by X-ray.

If you feel pain and discomfort after placing the composite to such an extent that you cannot eat properly, it is recommended to use painkillers for the first few days so that your body gets used to the veneer..

Advantages and disadvantages of dental composite veneers | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Dental composite problems

Composite veneer has a series of disadvantages and problems compared to ceramic laminate and other restorative and aesthetic methods. Among the disadvantages of composite, the following can be mentioned:

  • Its strength is less than ceramic laminate.
  • It changes color over time and its resistance to staining is less than laminate.
  • Its durability and life span is less than that of laminite.
  • Big bugs can't be cured with it.
  • Due to the low strength of the composite, it may break due to the pressure applied to it.

Safety level of dental composite veneer

In addition to the mentioned disadvantages, it is necessary to mention that dental composite is a relatively safe method. The resin material that is made of composite is relatively ineffective and does not harm the teeth. Composite veneer is a less invasive method than laminate and does not require shaving the teeth.

Possibility of decayed tooth composite

The strength of composite is less compared to amalgam and ceramic, therefore, it is recommended to use amalgam or inlay or ceramic onlay for back teeth that are under a lot of pressure.. In situations where tooth decay is high and the filling is large, the tooth may be weak and unable to hold the laminate.. In this situation, tooth veneer is a better option.

Causes of tooth sensitivity after composite installation

The most common complication of composite installation is teeth sensitivity. The most important reason for teeth sensitivity after composite is the cleaning that must be done before installing the composite. Teeth cleaning is done to remove any plaque and food particles, because if these foods accumulate on the teeth, the possibility of tooth decay increases.. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use toothpastes that are hypoallergenic. Using a toothbrush twice a day with toothpaste is very effective in treating tooth sensitivity. The use of high-quality composite also plays an important role in making teeth less sensitive. Using low-quality composite materials makes your teeth more sensitive to cold and heat. The patient's health and safety have a great influence on the sensitivity of his teeth after installation.

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Durability of dental composite complications

As mentioned, the side effects of the composite will disappear after a few days. Some complications may involve the patient for a longer period of time and for that you need to visit your dentist again. The durability of composite side effects is different for each person compared to their oral and dental health. A person may suffer from these complications for only one day and another for a week.

Tips to reduce composite complications

In order not to get involved in the complications of composite, you must take a series of necessary care recommended by the dentist. These cares include::

  • Brushing and flossing
  • Drink enough water after every meal
  • Avoid chewing hard foods in the first few days after the composite
  • Avoiding acidic and alcoholic drinks or foods

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be consulted with the patient in person with Mr. Dr. Berjian, Mastership Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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