Suitable foods after wisdom tooth surgery

Suitable foods after wisdom tooth surgery | The best dentist in Isfahan

Examining suitable foods after wisdom tooth surgery

Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars. These teeth grow at the end of the gums and are usually the last teeth to erupt.. Most people have four wisdom teeth, each growing in a corner of the mouth. Because there is little space at the back of the mouth, wisdom teeth may grow in at unnatural angles or only partially erupt.. These teeth are known as wisdom teeth. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the right foods after wisdom tooth surgery.

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause all kinds of problems. They may become infected, damage adjacent teeth, cause crowding, or begin to decay because they are difficult to clean.. Most people pull their wisdom teeth to fix these problems. However, wisdom teeth do not need to be removed unless they cause problems.

After you have your wisdom teeth pulled, it's important to make sure you're getting proper nutrition. A nutritious diet minimizes the risk of complications, helps reduce swelling, provides nutrients, and aids the wound healing process.. The foods you eat after surgery should be soft and easy to chew. They should also be rich in vitamins, minerals, energy and protein to help heal the wound. here 15 Soft food to be after wisdom tooth extraction Eat, introduced.

Egg omelette

Eggs are one of the best foods recommended after wisdom teeth extraction. Eggs are a very good source of protein and rich in vitamins and minerals. When it comes to buying eggs, try pasteurized or omega-rich varieties 3 find the. These eggs are omega fats 3 have more that may help heal the wound. Omelet eggs are easier to chew and swallow compared to other types of eggs.

Mixed soups

After your wisdom teeth are removed, it's great to eat a blended soup like tomato or pumpkin soup. They are easy to eat and do not contain ingredients that can irritate the surgical area. In addition, soups are generally rich in vitamins and minerals. This combination helps ensure you meet your daily nutritional needs when you can't eat as many fruits and vegetables..

Blended soups can also keep you hydrated, which is very important after surgery. It's wise to make sure your soup is lukewarm or cold, as hot soups can irritate ulcers. Also, make sure vegetable-based soups are as bland as possible to avoid large chunks.


Broths, like soups, are an excellent source of nutrients after dental surgery. This food is not only delicious, but also contains various types of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, if you have trouble drinking enough water, soups are a great way to stay hydrated. Soup with pen is a type of soup that is highly recommended due to its health benefits. This food is a nutrient source that is prepared by boiling animal bones and connective tissue. Although there are no direct studies on the health effects of kalam soup, studies on its components suggest that it may have anti-inflammatory benefits.. Make sure the broth is lukewarm or cold to avoid irritating the wound.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a healthy high-protein food that you can enjoy after dental surgery. This yogurt has a smooth and creamy texture that is quite soothing and can help numb the mouth. Greek yogurt is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals such as calcium and zinc.

Foods high in protein may aid in the healing process. In fact, several studies have linked a low-protein diet to a slower healing process. In addition, studies show that adequate zinc intake can accelerate wound healing. However, if your zinc status is already good, taking more zinc may not have any benefits. That said, many zinc-rich foods, such as steak and other meats, can be difficult to eat after dental surgery, so Greek yogurt can be a great alternative..

mashed potatoes

Potatoes are a versatile root vegetable that can be prepared in many ways. In particular, mashed potatoes can be a comfort food after wisdom tooth extraction. Puree is rich in calories and nutrients, both of which are important for recovery.

Since people need a little more energy after surgery, this food is suitable. Mashed potatoes allow you to get a lot of nutrients and energy from just a small amount of this food, which is great if you have trouble eating enough.. Just make sure your mashed potatoes are lukewarm or cold, as hot foods can irritate the sores.

apple sauce

Apple is hard and crunchy, so it will not be suitable after wisdom teeth extraction. Fortunately, eating applesauce is one way to increase your fruit intake while avoiding ulcer irritation. However, it is usually made from chopped apples, which are typically without skin or core, which reduces their nutritional content.. Because apple skin contains many vitamins, minerals and fiber.

However, an apple without the skin is a good source of vitamins such as vitamin C. This vitamin can help strengthen the immune system, which in turn can help the wound healing process.

Banana puree

Banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world. Its soft texture makes chewing and swallowing easy after dental surgery. به علاوه موز فوق العاده مغذی است و انواع مختلفی از ویتامین‌ها و مواد معدنی مانند پتاسیم، ویتامین B6، منگنز و فولات را تامین می‌کند. Banana puree (mashed banana) It can make the texture even softer to reduce the risk of discomfort.

Banana ice cream

People often recommend eating ice cream after wisdom tooth surgery, but this is not a nutritious choice. While its coldness may have a soothing effect on the sore, ice cream is typically high in sugar, and very unhealthy.. Banana ice cream is a healthy and delicious homemade alternative to regular ice cream.

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forbidden foods

A variety of foods can irritate your mouth sores while you're recovering from surgery. Here are some foods to avoid after wisdom tooth extraction.

  • Spicy foods: May cause pain and burning.
  • Crispy and dry foods: Food items such as chips and cookies may get stuck in the wound area and interfere with healing.
  • Most seeds and grains: By entering the wound, these substances make healing difficult.
  • Chewable food: Increase the risk of biting your cheek, lips, and tongue, especially immediately after surgery.

It is also necessary to avoid the use of straws during recovery after pulling Wisdom tooth, avoided. Straws create suction in the mouth, which increases the risk of dry socket. Dry socket is a painful condition in which the clot that protects the tooth extraction area is dislodged.. As a result, the underlying bones and nerves are exposed to air, causing pain and delayed healing..

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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