Advantages and disadvantages of dental composite veneers

Advantages and disadvantages of dental composite veneers | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Investigating the advantages and disadvantages of dental composite veneers

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We examine the advantages and disadvantages of dental composite veneers.

Advantages of composite veneers

Less aggressive:

It may be necessary to remove part of the outer shell of the tooth (Enamel) To be removed before installing porcelain veneers. Less enamel needs to be removed to apply composite resin.

Lower costs:

Composite veneers They are more affordable. They also require less preparation time and appointments.

less time:

Porcelain veneers are made off-site in dental laboratories. Therefore, you may need to use temporary veneers for a week or so before installing the final set. The process of composite veneers is less complicated and their installation may require one treatment session. That is why they are also called "one-day veneers"..

Easier to repair:

If cement veneers are damaged, they are usually easier to repair. Chipped or cracked porcelain veneers should be completely replaced.

Conditions for using composite veneers on teeth | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Disadvantages of composite veneers

It is also important that the cons Composite veneers Consider, which can influence your decision. These potential downsides include::


Porcelain veneers are expected to last longer. Researchers have found that about 93.5% of them survive 10 years and 91% survive 20 years. The lifespan of composite veneers is shorter, with an estimated survival rate of 80% at 5 years.


Composite veneers are made of a clear material that can make them look a little more unnatural.

While porcelain veneers are longer lasting, more durable and stain resistant, composite veneers are more affordable.. Their installation is also faster and less invasive.

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Durability of composite veneers

They usually don't last as long as porcelain, but composite veneers are an effective and long-lasting solution to cosmetic or orthodontic issues.. In general, they are expected to last about four to eight years, although this depends on the health of the mouth and the observance of oral hygiene tips.. In the long run, they may need to be replaced.

Proper brushing and flossing, regular dental cleaning and examination, as well as good eating habits are the most important points in maintaining veneers.. Avoiding foods, drinks, or habits that stain teeth, such as drinking coffee or tea or smoking, can also help..

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be consulted with the patient in person with Mr. Dr. Berjian, Mastership Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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