Advantages of dental brosage

Advantages of dental brosage | The best dentist in Isfahan

Examining the advantages of dental brosage

Dental brushing helps to remove dental plaque. Research shows that this cosmetic and treatment method for teeth does not prevent gum disease, but people who have done polishing have less bacteria in their mouths, which can prevent these people from getting gum and tooth diseases in the future. prevent. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the advantages of dental brosage.

Eliminate oral bacteria

Everyone has bacteria in their mouth all the time, but some types of bacteria cause cavities. As these bacteria grow, they create a sticky substance called a biofilm. This substance protects them and helps them grow. This biofilm is actually the plaque on your teeth.

gum disease Called periodontitis, it occurs when bacteria, food, or plaque get lodged under the gums and aren't treated properly.. This can lead to the loss of gum, tooth and jaw bone health. Maintaining the health of the mouth and teeth depends on the regular removal of biofilm or dental plaque. In addition to brushing twice a day and regular teeth cleaning, you can also use tooth brushing to prevent this type of plaque..

The beauty and shine of the teeth

Dental brosage has more aesthetic aspects. The powders used in this dental procedure can remove stains from your teeth and make your teeth look healthy and clean.. Brusage can remove the stains caused by coffee, tea and smoking and give the teeth a shiny and shiny look.. But some stains are inside the teeth and polishing does not remove them. These stains may occur as the teeth grow and can be caused by the following:

  • Taking antibiotics
  • Specific infections
  • Hereditary diseases
  • Calcium deposits

Tips for before scaling and tooth brushing | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

The Instagram page of Dr. Hossein Borjian, the best dentist in Isfahan

Brusage precautions

Tooth polishing is a very simple procedure and is usually not dangerous. Of course, some dental conditions may require a gentler polishing method. Polishing is generally considered a safe treatment for all people. But if someone has very sensitive teeth, soft brushing may be recommended because it is less invasive. Also, if the patient has severe erosion or previous wear on his teeth, this treatment method may also be used in a limited way.. In the following cases, it is better not to use polishing pastes for brosage:

  • Acute gingivitis or periodontitis
  • Cosmetic restorations such as using ceramic, composite or porcelain to stabilize teeth or as dental implants
  • Allergy to the abrasive or solution used
  • Cavities or enamel problems
  • Low calcium levels in teeth
  • New teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Respiratory problems

Brushing alone will not prevent tooth decay unless it is part of a cleaning routine performed in conjunction with scaling in the dental office.. Dentists recommend that this treatment be done every 6 months. Of course, no two diseases are the same, and for those whose plaques accumulate faster, problems periodontal or have periodontal disease, polishing may be recommended every 2 months.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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