Example of laser pre-prosthetic surgery ( 4 )

Example of laser pre-prosthetic surgery ( 4 ) | The best implant in Isfahan

Example of laser pre-prosthetic surgery ( 4 ) We see the best dentist in Isfahan.

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Description of the patient:

Vestibuloplasty and relocation of the connection point of muscle fibers to the more apical parts of the remaining ridge. ( Pre-prosthetic surgeries without stitches and bleeding with laser ) A patient with a request for pre-construction surgery. The new denture with better grip, stability and support compared to his old denture, he referred to Najm Dental Laser Specialist Center..

Patient treatment :

For vestibuloplasty surgery in order to cut the muscle fibers connected to the bone crest. And connecting it to the lower areas, to increase the height of the future denture flange. and reducing the interference of muscle movements with the edge of the prosthesis and increasing the stability of the movable denture, from the Dual laser 810 980 nanometer was used .

There were no flaps, sutures, razors, or bleeding.

Patient recovery :

Initial repair within the first two to three weeks of surgery in the form of white membrane formation – Gray ( Fibrinoleucocyte membrane ) done. and the final restoration of the oral mucosa within a period of time 8 until the 10 The week has come true. In this case, increasing the depth of the vestibule after surgery 2 equal to the initial value is observed, which means an increase in the surface involved in the friction of the denture flange with the remaining ridge. attention : Laser waves can be used in pre-prosthetic surgeries to increase the support and stability of the denture, with the least complications, without stitches and bleeding, and with the lowest rate of recurrence..


Dr. Hossein Borjian

the surgeon – Implantologist dentist

Dental laser specialist fellowship from the University of Genoa

Mastership in cosmetic dentistry from New York University

Doctorate in Dentistry from Isfahan National University

International speakers of laser dentistry treatments

The founder of Najm Dental Laser Specialized Center

The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Appointment site of Isfahan dentist Dr. Hossein Borjian at Clinic 24

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