What is a palate expander?

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What is a palate expander?

Palate expander or palatal expander (Palatal Expander)

It is a device used to open the upper jaw. Orthodontists usually prescribe this device for crossbite, crowded teeth and a number of other complications.. Depending on the age of the patient and the severity of his problem, the expander should stay in the mouth for several weeks, months or even up to a year.

What is a palate expander?

As a person matures, their upper jaw grows in two separate parts. When puberty is complete, these two parts are completely fused together. This means that before this date, specialists can provide the necessary space for the correct growth of all teeth with the palatal expander, align the upper and lower jaw and improve the bite..

Therefore, the palatal expander is an orthodontic device that slowly opens the jawbones to finally make the upper jaw wider.. This device also fixes upper and lower jaw disharmony, and creates a more beautiful smile.

What is a palate expander? | The best dentist in Isfahan - the best gum surgeon in Isfahan - the best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

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Sometimes, before a patient is ready for braces or aligners, their jaw needs more space. In fact, dilators are one step of a more comprehensive treatment. You might ask, is it necessary to complete the treatment with a brace, is it really necessary to use a palatal expander?

If the jaw is small due to skeletal problems, yes, this device is needed to correct the bite. Braces can move the teeth, but not the jawbone. After a complete examination, the orthodontist informs the patient whether the palate expander (or an alternative method) Will it be part of the treatment plan or not?.

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