Feldspathic veneers compared to pressed pressed porcelain veneers

Comparison of feldspathic veneers with pressed pressed porcelain veneers | The best dentist in Isfahan

Investigation and comparison of feldspathic veneers with pressed pressed porcelain veneers

While crowns are essential for back teeth, dental veneers are an excellent smile improvement solution for front teeth.. Over the years, dentists have been asked about the difference between feldspar veneers and pressed porcelain veneers.. Feldspar veneer is the first type of veneer made, where porcelain was pressed later. Although both types of veneers produce positive results in patients, there are differences that patients should be aware of before deciding on either type of veneer.. In this article, the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian The best dentist in Isfahan We compare feldspathic veneers with pressed pressed porcelain veneers.

Use on natural teeth

Feldspar materials destroy the opposite teeth. This means that when patients have feldspathic teeth as crowns or crowns, they accelerate the wear of the natural teeth that are chewed in front of them.. This is not the case for pressed porcelain, which has the same wear and tear as a natural tooth.


Feldspar veneers look beautiful once the veneer is in place. However, over the years, they lose their luster and natural appearance. Pressed porcelain veneers will show no change in luster over the years.

time to change

Patients are usually advised to have their feldspar veneers approx 7-10 Change the year after placement. There are many patients who still have their original veneer years later, but this is not the norm.. And although these veneers still look acceptable, they can't compare to the beauty of porcelain veneers. Porcelain cover Compressed on average can be between 10-20 Last year.

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Integrity and no margins

The integrity and lack of margins refers to the fact that the veneers on the edges of the teeth do not have a color difference and cannot be distinguished from the lower teeth and the side teeth.. The presence of a distinguishable border is seen more with feldspathic materials, so they are prone to decay. The reason for this is that pressed porcelain has a favorable dental condition.

Before the advent of porcelain veneers, skilled dentists would not place veneers on people with active tooth decay because it would worsen the decay problem.. However, compact crowns have solved this problem, as a well-fitting crown that fits well on the tooth will not damage the underlying tooth..

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The shade of your teeth

The shade of your underlying teeth will actually have a big impact on what color your crowns will end up being.. Feldspar material They are not very dense, so if there is a lot of gray natural tooth underneath that has significant shade variation, a feldspathic veneer will not be able to lift the amount or cover the underlying tooth color very well.. Pressed porcelain materials do not have this problem because they are of higher quality and denser.


Both feldspathic and compact porcelain veneers are solutions to enhance the beauty of your smile. Some patients can use feldspar coating based on the condition of their teeth, and this method is completely suitable for them.. Other people need to do this with pressed porcelain. As with most decisions, the best solution for each patient will be decided based on their individual needs.

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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