Prevention and removal of white spots on teeth during orthodontics

Prevention and removal of white spots on teeth during orthodontics | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Methods of preventing and removing white spots on teeth during orthodontics

This article is from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan It will examine ways to prevent and remove white spots on teeth during orthodontics. Based on the experiences of dentists in various fields of orthodontics, including finding white spots on the teeth during treatment or after removing braces, it can be concluded that the following methods are effective in solving the concern of this problem in many patients.:

Brush your teeth after every meal

This means that you brush your teeth even after a small late-night meal or a snack from the vending machine.. Food particles can get stuck between braces, and the longer these particles remain in the mouth, the higher the risk of dental problems such as plaque formation.. If you have braces, regular dental hygiene is very important to prevent stains, infection, and tooth decay..

Using whitening toothpastes

From the brands approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) are used because they contain fluoride (An essential mineral for dental health) are. Whitening toothpastes contain special polishing agents such as baking soda and peroxide that remove surface stains from the teeth..
However, these products only remove surface stains. They color Enamel do not change at all. Whitening toothpastes do not cause problems for people with orthodontics. The polishing materials in the toothpaste do not damage the cement and the coating on the orthodontic wires..

Use an electric toothbrush and toothpaste containing fluoride

An electric toothbrush is very effective in removing plaque from teeth and keeping them clean. If you don't want to spend money on an electric toothbrush, you should use a soft toothbrush. Make sure you know how to use your toothbrush correctly and practice the correct movements to avoid any problems in the future.. Ask your dentist to teach you how to brush correctly during orthodontics. Also, make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride. In recent studies, toothpastes containing fluoride have been proven to 70% They remove white spots on the teeth. The dentist advises you to use fluoride mouthwash once a day and regularly.

Be sure to brush your teeth for at least two minutes

Before brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with water to remove food particles stuck between the orthodontic wires.. You can use an interproximal toothbrush, which is designed to get under the orthodontic wires, to remove plaque and food particles from the teeth.. Brush for at least two minutes, making sure to brush the teeth and the bottom and top of the brackets completely. Start brushing at the border between the teeth and gums, brush at an angle 45 Keep it level and make small circular movements along the border between the gums and the teeth. Then move the toothbrush at a downward angle on the upper part of the brackets and clean them.

Hold the toothbrush on the top of the brackets at an upward angle and move it in a low-amplitude rotation.. Rinse your mouth with water to remove the toothpaste from the teeth. Then rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that does not contain bleaching agents (Although it can contain fluoride or chlorhexidine). By checking the appearance of the brace, make sure the mouth is clean and the teeth are wired (If their appearance is bright)The turbidity of the metal part of the brace means the presence of food and/or bacteria on the tooth and the brace.

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Avoid foods containing sugar and artificial flavors or colors

Although it is difficult to maintain a diet of indulgent treats like ice cream, pudding, jelly, and hot chocolate, avoid overindulging in sweets.. Consuming too much sugar can cause dental problems such as plaque and decay, which can cause white spots after orthodontic removal..

Eliminate known causes of tooth decay from your diet and try to eat sweets only on special occasions.. Always brush well after consuming sweet foods and artificial flavors and colors to prevent these substances from remaining on the teeth for a long time..
Rinse well with mouthwash or a mixture of half a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of water to kill bacteria and protect tooth enamel..

Floss your teeth at least once a day

Another key point in dental hygiene is flossing at least once a day. It is probably difficult to use dental floss with orthodontics, because you have to floss between the brackets and under the orthodontic wires.. Make flossing easier with the help of Floss Trader or special orthodontic floss. You can get these products from a pharmacy or ask your dentist to give you a sample.

Use waxed floss rather than unwaxed floss because it's easier to move between teeth and less likely to snag on your braces.. By connecting to the dental floss, the Floss Trader helps you to easily thread the floss under the braces and access the tooth.. It also makes your control over the thread easier. Always floss the edge of the gum line and teeth. Flossing probably takes practice with orthodontics, but be patient and use your time well.

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If there is a lot of space between your teeth, use an interproximal toothbrush. If the interdental space is still not cleaned, get help from a dental flosser.
Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist and retain enough saliva to remove plaque and clean your mouth.. Saliva is a natural acid neutralizer that helps eliminate mouth acid caused by oral bacteria.. Help maintain a constant production of saliva by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Try to drink still water because carbonated water increases plaque deposition on the teeth and lowers the pH of the mouth.

Reduce the consumption of coffee, tea and soft drinks

Coffee and tea cause stains on the teeth and the complete removal of these stains from the teeth Orthodontic It is difficult. Also, soft drinks and other drinks containing sugar, such as sports drinks, which usually contain phosphoric acid, which can destroy tooth enamel and cause plaque on the teeth, tooth decay and sensitivity..

Use teeth whitening gel

This product is available in most pharmacies without a prescription. Apply the whitening gel on the teeth with its special brush, after approx 30 The minute it hardens.

  • Brush your teeth lightly to remove the gel.
  • If your teeth are orthodontic, it is probably more difficult to use the gel around the brackets and wires..
  • This gel contains less hydrogen peroxide than the materials used in the dental office.
  • Teeth whitening gels do not have the same effect compared to the method of using teeth. Results vary from person to person.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article is managed and published by the site admin.

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