Dentistry research committee of doctorate students of Isfahan University

Dentistry research committee of doctorate students of Isfahan University | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Deputy official and educational secretary of the dental research committee of doctoral students of Isfahan University

The certificate of the Deputy Director and Educational Secretary of the Dental Research Committee of Doctoral Students of Isfahan University by Dr. Hossein Borjian, which can be seen in the picture below..

Dentistry research committee of doctorate students of Isfahan University | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

| The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan |

Student Research Committee

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences Student Research Committee It was established in 1372 to support the research activities of students. This center has always considered the observance of order and ethical principles as essential in all its activities and has tried to make commitment to quality one of its priorities in all programs..

In this center, various activities are carried out with the aim of empowering interested students in fields related to research and student skills.. All activities are done in the form of student work, relying on the scientific and executive abilities of students and with the guidance of professors.

The members of this center are talented and active students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Every year, a call for membership in the research committee is held to attract interested and talented students.

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