Treatment of salivary gland obstruction

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Treatment of salivary gland obstruction

Stones can form in the main salivary glands and their ducts, which block the flow of saliva and are usually accompanied by pain and inflammation when eating..

They are mostly in the submandibular gland and its duct (۸۰-۹۰٪) seen, but it is likely to be seen in the parotid glands as well. Obstruction of the salivary glands is less common in the parotid gland, because its secretions are more watery and its ducts are wider.. Sublingual glands drain into 8-20 ducts, so they are rarely blocked.


Partial salivary gland obstruction also occurs, resulting in cyst-like swellings on the lips and cheeks.. The cause of salivary gland stones is unknown. Stones are composed of mucus, cell debris, calcium and magnesium phosphate.

Obstruction of the parotid gland is mostly due to narrowing of the duct opening . This can sometimes be secondary to chronic trauma caused by ill-fitting dentures.

Obstruction of the salivary duct causes inflammation and swelling of the gland.

Treatment of salivary stones

Salivary stones account for half of all salivary gland disorders, accounting for 5.9 cases per 100,000 people each year..


On ultrasound, stones appear as prominent paracoccal lines or dots with distal acoustic shadows.. Ultrasound is now the first investigation and rules out other causes of inflammation such as malignancy or lymphadenopathy.


Many stones pass on their own, so conservative treatment can include oral pain relievers and antibiotics where there is infection.. Good hydration, warm compresses, and massage of the glands may help pass the stone.



Treatment of salivary gland obstruction | The best dentist in Isfahan - the best gum surgeon in Isfahan - the best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

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If you have a lump in your salivary gland, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the lump or the gland itself. If the lump is cancerous, you may need radiation therapy to kill the cancer cells.

These treatments usually don't start until your body has had time to heal. This is usually four to six weeks after surgery.

Neck radiation therapy can cause dry mouth, which can be uncomfortable and affect your digestion.

If the salivary gland lump is not cancerous, radiation therapy may not be needed. A mass that does not cause symptoms may be treated with conservative measures. This includes special mouthwashes to relieve dry mouth.

You can also keep your mouth moist by rinsing with a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of water.


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