Comparison of front teeth implant with bridge

Comparison of front teeth implant with bridge | The best implant in Isfahan

Examination and comparison of front teeth implants with bridges

Dental implants are the only option to replace teeth without the need for a support. Instead of being attached to other teeth and putting pressure on them, each dental implant is placed separately and is firmly seated in your mouth through an implant post that is surgically inserted into your jawbone.. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best implant in Isfahan We examine and compare front teeth implants with bridges.

After surgery, the bone around the post heals and is permanently fixed in place. A small part of the implant post protrudes above the gum line, which is why a connector is used to connect the visible part of the tooth to the abutment.. This artificial root helps dental implants to become the strongest and most reliable tooth replacement solutions..

This security is another main reason for choosing an implant over a bridge for a missing tooth in the front of the mouth. The front teeth are more exposed than any other teeth and if you have a gap in this area, it will be impossible to hide it without dentures.. The problem with dental bridges is that the dental element is not actually secured to your gums, it sits on top of them..

The Instagram page of Dr. Hossein Borjian, the best implant in Isfahan

Not only does this allow microscopic bacteria and food debris to get stuck underneath and cause dental problems, but many patients report that their bridges are slightly loose and pop when they eat, drink, talk, sneeze, and more. This issue is felt more. However, because dental implants are so securely attached, there are far fewer problems and your implant will stay in place with proper eating, drinking and care..

Finally, dental implants may be more expensive than bridges, but with proper care and attention, they can last longer.. A bridge will last an average of 15 years, while implants can last two decades or even more..

Caring for front teeth implants | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Advantages of implant placement in front teeth

When you lose one or more front teeth. Your alternatives will include dental bridges and partial dentures, sometimes called "flippers.". As we mentioned, dental implants have many advantages compared to bridges or dentures, and below we mention some of their most important advantages.:

  • In a dental bridge, the teeth on both sides need to create an empty space for dental veneers, which sometimes leads to grinding of adjacent teeth.. A dental implant has no effect on the adjacent teeth.
  • At Front teeth implants, your jawbone is preserved and thus you maintain the youthful structure of your face over time.
  • Dental implants replace the root and crown of your missing front tooth and provide significantly better stability and chewing power than other options..
  • Dental implants are easy to maintain with good oral hygiene habits and regular checkups.
  • Since the implant looks like a natural tooth, you will feel more confident when eating, speaking and smiling..
  • When dental implants are properly cared for, they can last forever.

The length of the front tooth implant implantation period

  • Dental implant procedures take about 4 to 6 months.
  • In the first step, the dentist first makes a small incision gum tissue creates and places the metal piece inside the gum tissue.
  • After that, it takes about 2 to 3 months to completely establish a bond between the implant base and the gum tissue, and it is not possible to move the implant base..
  • After two to three months, some of the gum tissue is cut again so that the dentist can access the base of the implant.. Finally, the tooth crown is placed on the middle part.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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Prevention of teeth discoloration

Advantages and disadvantages of dental bonding

Different types of bone grafts

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