Ways to prevent bad breath factors after implant placement
In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We will study and examine methods of preventing bad breath after implant implantation. At first, it may not be easy to determine why the bad smell occurs after implant placement. But with a little attention to your daily behavior, you can easily understand why this problem occurs. Among these events and simple daily behaviors that cause bad breath, include the following:
Food remaining between the teeth
You should be careful not only during implant placement but also at any other time. Food remaining in the mouth may cause bad breath in the short term. This may take longer at first. But as soon as you have bad breath, you have to try many ways to get rid of it for a long time. So you should take necessary precautions before causing bad breath.
Be sure to brush and floss your teeth after every meal and avoid foods that are likely to stick to your teeth.. Remember that a tooth that has been replaced with an implant. It is like your natural tooth and food may remain between it and the side teeth or between the gum line, which is one of the main items. causing bad breath Are.
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Infection and loosening of dental implants
One of the most common events that can cause bad breath is implant contamination. Note that there may be bacterial accumulations inside your implant, and this issue can cause your implant to become infected.. This happens when your dental implant is loose and food gets into it and causes these bacterial accumulations..
Any factor such as chewing hard food or hitting the implant can cause it to loosen, it is better to visit the dentist whenever you feel that your implant is loose, otherwise the infection can cause bad breath in addition to body odor. , destroy your implant or cause more severe infections. So never, if you find out that your implant is loose, do not continue to use it and go to the dentist as soon as possible so that you do not get involved in its subsequent complications and it does not bring more costs to you..
Creating plaque on the dental implant
Another factor causing bad breath after implant implantation; The creation of plaques on dental implants. Many people think that because their implanted teeth are not natural, it is not possible to create plaque! But it is better to know that this is not the case and the possibility of creating plaque on implanted teeth is even more than on your natural teeth.
To prevent this issue, be sure to keep the surface of your teeth clean throughout the day, using mouthwashes and rinsing with salt will help you clean the surface of your teeth.. Be careful that if these plaques are created and you neglect oral hygiene, you may suffer from gum disease.. These diseases can damage your implant or even your other natural teeth.
Paying attention to oral hygiene is the first way to prevent bad breath after implant placement. In case of using an implant, in addition to maintaining oral hygiene, you should visit the dentist regularly to make sure that it is firm and healthy..
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Other factors causing bad breath after dental implant
You should note that bad breath is not always caused by dental implants and you may have caused other factors to cause bad breath.. As:
- Accumulation of plaque around healthy teeth
- dry mouth
- Use of certain drugs
- Having a white coating on your tongue
- High concentration of saliva
- Using special foods such as garlic, onions and vegetables that enter the bloodstream after digestion and after reaching the lungs, you may feel its smell strongly in your breath and mouth..
- The use of tobacco, especially cigarettes, exposes your mouth and teeth to various infections, which makes smokers suffer from bad breath more than others..
Causes of bad breath that are directly possible after Dental implant come into being. The inaccuracy of placing the teeth in the exact place and the proper distance and height with the side teeth is caused by the improper performance of the dentist, and in the end, more food remains between the teeth and even between the teeth and the gums. or other external reasons, there is a possibility of infection and loosening of the implanted tooth, and eventually it will cause a bad smell in the mouth. Observe oral hygiene and, if necessary, visit a dentist and use his advice.
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- The scientific accuracy of the above published material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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