The application of porcelain to metal coatings

The application of porcelain to metal coatings | The best implant in Isfahan

Investigating the application of porcelain to metal coatings

Porcelain-to-metal or PFM veneers are more cost-effective than ceramic veneers.. If their appearance and beauty are not as good as ceramic crowns, but they are still a good option for restoring the back teeth.. In this section of Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best implant in Isfahan We examine the application of porcelain to metal coatings.

From porcelain veneer to metal (PFM coatings can be used as full and full mold coatings (full-cast)) It is noted that it has a porcelain welded to most or all parts of the tooth. These veneers are a combination between porcelain and metal veneers. The entire cover has an underlying metal layer and porcelain / Ceramic is on top of it.

Its metal framework is thin, strong and perfectly fits the prepared teeth. It is a combination of different types of alloy designed to work very well with porcelain Connects. Metal alloys with a high melting temperature are used to weld the porcelain to the surface and prevent the metal from melting. This makes the porcelains bond reliably without discoloration.

Application of porcelain coating to metal

Porcelain veneers are more preferred than other types because they match the color of the adjacent teeth more easily and better than metal veneers.. Although they cause more damage to the opposite teeth than resin and metal veneers. Some cases show that the porcelain part of the veneer can also be chipped or chipped off the tooth.

Such veneers are not suitable for receding gums because the porcelain on these gums may show and have a visible appearance.. These veneers are suitable for back and front teeth.

Different types of porcelain to metal veneers

The metal frame of this coating is a combination of different types of alloys. The type of frame is one of the factors that can determine the price of your porcelain veneers.

Porcelain welded to base metal alloys

As the name suggests, this framework uses a combination of base metals that are popular in dentistry.. Although some patients may be allergic to some base metals such as nickel. Choosing metal veneers made of noble metals helps to avoid sensitivity.

Porcelain welded to titanium alloys

Titanium alloys have the properties of noble metals like gold. Since they have superior properties, their use is useful for implants and other dental prostheses.. The dentist will create a veneer that feels just like your natural teeth. Porcelain coating on titanium alloys has better properties than base metal alloys, but gold alloys have even better properties..

Different types of dental veneers | The best implant in Isfahan

Porcelain coating to gold alloys

Gold alloys have the best properties, the most resistance and durability and do not cause sensitivity. Although only gold is mentioned in the name, a gold alloy is a combination of gold, platinum, silver, palladium, copper and tin.. The first four metals in a gold alloy are known as noble metals because of their superior properties. The last two metals are known as base metals. The higher the amount of noble metals in a gold alloy, the higher its price and the more properties it has.

In general, dental gold alloys, gold 16 They are cute. Therefore, gold restorations used in dentistry also have a high sales value. The composition of gold alloys varies depending on the type of use. PFM crowns, gold inlays and gold dental crowns/bridges have different combinations based on the required features.. If you are using a gold alloy below the PFM, most of the time, 40% of the coating will contain gold, 20% will contain other precious metals such as platinum, silver, and palladium, and 40% will contain base metals.. Dentists call this type of PFM veneer as porcelain, which is a noble metal veneer..

Sometimes your coating may contain more than 25% noble metals and the rest is base metals. Dentists call this type of noble metal veneer porcelain. Gold metal does not corrode, does not cause sensitivity, bonds very well with your teeth and lasts longer. A major advantage of a gold crown base is that even if a thinner crown is prepared to preserve the natural structure of your tooth, gold has the same properties.. Thickness does not play a role in the strength and strength of gold. If you use gold alloy for PFM crowns you can get rid of the black gum line.

The steps of making porcelain veneers based on metal

The process of preparing porcelain to metal coating is the same as other coatings. The dentist will examine your mouth, anesthetize it, and prepare your tooth (It shaves enough), takes a mold from it and designs the coating. When your tooth is ready to place such a veneer. A large part of the tooth tissue is removed and space for porcelain and metal is also provided.

The dentist will check the crown and make sure that the porcelain will bond well to the metal that was melted at a higher temperature to make your PFM crowns.. Therefore, porcelain-to-metal veneers won't melt in your mouth, and you won't change their connections when eating hot or very hot foods.. These properties of the metals used to make the veneers also ensure that the porcelains retain their natural color when bonded to metals.. A porcelain coating is welded onto the metal shell. The porcelain layer depends on the area of ​​your tooth 1.5 until the 2 It is mm thick. The porcelain layer is hard and very resistant to chewing forces and looks like your natural teeth..

Types of porcelain layers

  • Complete cover or veneer: It covers all the surfaces of your teeth
  • Partial coating: It only covers the front or visible surface of your tooth. Here, the rest of the surface covering your tooth is metal.

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Care tips for porcelain to metal veneers

Avoid biting very hard foods with a tooth that has a porcelain-to-metal coating. The porcelain layer may break. As good as porcelain is, it is not as good as your natural teeth. Remember to brush twice a day, floss and clean your tongue regularly to keep your mouth healthy..

Other types of coating

Full porcelain or all ceramic crowns are usually a better choice for front teeth restoration because of their transparency.. The most famous complete porcelain veneers are:

  • Emax covers
  • Zirconium veneers
  • Lava coating (Lava)

For back teeth, you may want to learn more about Captek crowns, which are a special gold-based porcelain.. These types of veneers are usually a bit more expensive than traditional porcelain, but their superior quality may be worth the extra cost.. The past few years have seen many advances in metal-based porcelain veneers. Patients who have had full porcelain crowns on their teeth are now replacing their old crowns with this type of crown.. The latest type of Captek covers (Kaptak) Also, the black line around the gums of patients after Dental crownsIt appears, they destroy it. These veneers are the most common option for dentists and also for patients above 35 is the year.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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