Reasons for replacing amalgam with composite

Reasons for replacing amalgam with composite | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Investigating the reasons for replacing amalgam with composite

If you have one or more decayed teeth, they are most likely filled with a metal material called amalgam.. It's the metallic, silver-gray substance that makes you smile when you tilt your head back. or seen when you open your mouth fully. In the past, this gray metal filling was the only option available to patients. And so if you are 30 years old or older. And if you had tooth decay, they probably used amalgam to treat it. It is interesting to know that according to research and new developments in the field of dentistry, it has been shown that filling teeth with metal amalgam is associated with some health risks.. In this section of Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We examine the reasons for replacing amalgam with composite.

Today, instead of metal amalgam, composite is used, which is similar to the color of teeth, which, in addition to its appearance, has better performance compared to old fillings.. You've probably heard the saying that old things are valuable, but that's not always true, and it doesn't apply to fillings.. New composite filling that looks like tooth color for all patients who have recently had Tooth Decay have been used, but a large number of people who use old fillings like to replace their old fillings with composites.. Many people prefer to change their amalgam fillings for the following reasons.

Indiscernibility of composite filling

Amalgam fillings are visible when you smile or laugh. When laughing, in addition to the filling being seen, others also notice how many fillings you have. Since composite fillings resemble the color of teeth, they are designed and manufactured to match the color of your teeth, making them invisible.. Are you planning to replace your old amalgam filling? This is a personal decision and is related to how you feel about the appearance of the filling, how comfortable it is, how functional it is, and your peace of mind regarding beauty issues..

The presence of mercury in amalgam

More than 50% of amalgam fillings are made of mercury, which strongly causes an allergic reaction. The most common allergic reaction and symptom of an allergy to something is the dysfunction of the mucous membrane of the mouth, which can be seen in white around the filling..

Other signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction include a burning sensation and bleeding from the gums, a metallic taste in the mouth, and inflammation.. When you encounter these signs and symptoms, the first thing you should do is to see your dentist immediately to make sure that the problem is really caused by the mercury in the amalgam because these symptoms and The symptoms are somewhat common and other diseases can also cause them, then a treatment and amalgam replacement plan should be designed.. Since the treatment of each tooth has specific effects on the body, it will usually require rest after tooth restoration.

Short lifespan of silver filling

Unlike composite, which is attached to the tooth, amalgam filling is placed on the surface of the tooth. If you have used amalgam filling before, you know that its lifespan is about 10 years. Over time, this type of filling disappears and the tooth is exposed to the risk of bacteria entering and increasing the risk of tooth decay, and unfortunately, you cannot even see this disorder.. Now the question arises, what happens? If the amalgam is removed from the surface of the tooth, it will cause the tooth to start decaying and you will need a dental crown due to the loss of the tooth.. If you are tired of the troubles of using this type of filling, you can replace it.

How to fill teeth with composite and amalgam | The best dentist in Isfahan

Reaction to temperature changes in amalgam fillings

It is normal for metal to expand and contract due to temperature rise and fall, but this can cause problems even when it is used to fill a tooth after decay.. About 50% of amalgam fillings are made of mercury, which is used in thermometers because it adapts to the temperature of the surrounding environment. For example, amalgam fillings expand when you drink a hot drink and put pressure on your teeth. It will eventually cause it to crack or break.

This issue also applies to eating cold drinks, that is, cold food and drinks cause it. that the amalgam filling shrinks and this will cause a gap between the teeth and the filling. Although your teeth are strong, they can only withstand contraction and expansion to a certain extent, and if this continues, your teeth will weaken over time..

Composite filling makes teeth stronger

Since the amalgam filling acts like a cleaner that only covers the hole created inside the tooth, the filling will not bond to the tooth.. But the composite filling is designed in a way in addition to filling the tooth hole. which is directly connected to your tooth and the tooth and the filling work together and do not rub against each other.. This does not apply to amalgam fillings. If the tooth that has a filling is under pressure, the amalgam can withstand the pressure created, and this will cause uneven pressure distribution and will lead to damage to other parts of the tooth, such as cracks and fractures..

Actions after composite filling

From tooth filling to fill the holes caused by Tooth Decay it has been created. and prevent more damage to the tooth will be used. Tooth filling helps to maintain the natural appearance of the tooth and its function. In general, dental fillings are used by dentists to fill extensive tooth damage caused by decay.. There are different types of dental clinic that you can choose from. There are different types such as amalgam, gold and silver, but the most popular ones are porcelain and composite fillings..

The first composite is made of composite plastic and glass. And in terms of aesthetics, they look better because they can create an appearance similar to your natural teeth and are usually chosen for front row teeth.. If the composite filling is well taken care of, it will last longer.

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In the following section, we mention some important points regarding the care of composite fillings that you should follow:
  • Visit the dentist regularly to check the condition of your teeth.
  • In the first week after treatment, you will be sensitive to the temperature of food, especially cold food.
  • Take care of your oral health. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss at least twice a day.
  • In case of pain, you can use painkillers. But if your pain lasts more than 30 minutes, call your dentist immediately.
  • After dental filling, you can follow your normal diet. Because the composite filling is well installed on the tooth using blue light.
  • If you notice that your composite filling is too high when placing your teeth together. or it is unfair, be sure to inform your dentist.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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