Examining different dental implant methods

Examining different dental implant methods | The best implant in Isfahan

Familiarity with different dental implant methods

Dental implants refer to a variety of tooth restoration methods. However, this does not mean that the dental implant method can be defined. Although different steps can be different. They all follow the same procedure of installing titanium posts into the jawbone and then placing the replacement tooth. The reason there are different types of dental implant procedures is simple – not everyone's mouth is the same. And what works for one person may not work for another. Based on each situation, a dentist may modify the procedure to meet your needs and perform a successful surgery. In this article, the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian The best implant in Isfahan We examine different methods of dental implants.

Temporary dental bridge

In this method, micro-implants and very small bridges are used while the permanent implants are healing.. After the healing of permanent implants, Micro implant Bridges and braces are removed to perform procedures with permanent implants. The temporary dental bridge helps the patient to have a perfect smile and your mouth to function normally during the permanent implant..

Single tooth implant

Single tooth implant refers to the basic method of tooth implant to replace a single tooth. This method uses an implant, abutment and crown.

Benefits of Korean implants | The best implant in Isfahan

anchorage (Orthodontic)

This is due to the use of implants (Standard or micro) In orthodontics, it refers to helping teeth move to achieve faster results from braces. Because implants are literally attached to the jawbone, they create a strong and stable anchor so that teeth can move faster and more smoothly..

The Instagram page of Dr. Hossein Borjian, the best implant in Isfahan

Multiple dental implants

This method refers to the use of several standard implants for those people who have lost several teeth. This method can be very different depending on the number of missing teeth of the patient. all in 4 , all in 6 , and implant-supported prostheses are all forms of multiple tooth restoration. When replacing multiple teeth, fewer implants are typically used to support many teeth. For example, to replace the entire upper row of diseased teeth, 4 Or 6 An implant may be sufficient to support all of them. Similarly, three missing teeth can be supported by two implants. Dental implant It is usually more when replacing multiple teeth, but it is definitely the most useful and valuable option.

Fixed or removable bridges

Similar to implant-supported prostheses, this process refers to the use of implants used to support artificial dental bridges.. These bridges can be removed from the implant, and unlike bridges without implants, bridges supported by implants do not cause bone loss and weaken teeth.. Although the dental implant cost for this process is lower than the permanent dental implant method, the cost difference is not significant.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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