Benefits of Korean implants

Benefits of Korean implants | The best implant in Isfahan

Investigating the benefits of Korean implants

A dental implant is a high-tech replacement tooth that mimics the entire tooth structure. A titanium "root" is firmly inserted into the bone and used to support a dental crown, bridge or prosthesis.. It seams. This implant acts like a real tooth and can last a lifetime if properly cared for.. In this article, the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian The best implant in Isfahan We examine the benefits of Korean implants.

Our dentists have placed hundreds of different implants in different patients and are happy to take the time to explain the details of the procedure and answer your questions.. Many dentists routinely use Korean dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth..

Dental implant technology has become the most modern method of tooth replacement due to its advantages over previous treatments. And with modern innovations in dentistry, most patients can benefit from them – even those who were previously told they couldn't.. Doctors offer a dental implant consultation to see if the Korean implant procedure is right for you..

Suitable people for Korean implants

If you have one or more missing teeth, or broken or decayed teeth that may be beyond a simple restoration, an implant is usually the best option.. If from the prosthesis, Dentures If you are uncomfortable with the partial or bridge in your mouth, you can use the implant technique.

In the past, patients who did not have enough bone or had certain health conditions and habits. They were not considered candidates for implantation. Advances in bone diagnosis and reconstruction have made it possible for most patients to use implants.

Advice on dental implants

Talk to your doctor about the different options for missing teeth and dental implants.

  • Consult a doctor
  • Learn about different treatment options
  • Find out if you are a candidate for dental implants
  • Answer all your questions about dental implants
  • Written treatment plan

Korean implants, like other products, have good and bad quality, and experts will recommend the best brand based on your specific conditions..

Front tooth implant implantation steps | The best implant in Isfahan

Advantages of the best type of dental implant

Dental implants work like natural teeth

One of the biggest benefits of a Korean implant is that it restores full chewing power. Most patients cannot tell the difference between their natural teeth and implanted teeth. They can eat normally with their implants, and they can also brush and floss normally..

Dental implants can last a lifetime

While a dental bridge only approx 10 Years may last, dental implants can last a lifetime. The implant is made of titanium and is integrated with the jawbone. This metal is biocompatible, meaning it is non-toxic to the body and is not rejected by the body. Overall, this implant is a strong and solid replacement tooth.

Implanted teeth keep the adjacent teeth fixed

A gap in the mouth caused by the loss of a tooth causes the adjacent teeth to move obliquely towards the gap.. This causes your teeth to go out of their natural and beautiful shape and can affect your bite, chewing ability and appearance.. This can cause a disorder that makes it difficult to replace the tooth later. A bad bite can also lead to TMJ problems (Temporomandibular joint) and may lead to joint pain and headache.

Dental implants prevent bone loss

Bone loss in the jaw occurs when there is no tooth root (or implant) There is no jawbone to stimulate. Where there are no teeth, the jawbone will atrophy in the empty space due to lack of stimulation. If a dental implant is not placed in the place where your tooth fell out in the first year, that part of the bone will lose 25% of its volume, and the bone loss will continue over the years..

Dentures can even accelerate bone loss because they often become loose, and then rub against the bony ridge, gradually wearing it away.. Because an implant replaces the root as well as the tooth and chewing returns to normal, it provides the stimulation necessary for normal bone growth..

Dental implants can help you protect your gums from disease

A tooth gap caused by a falling tooth can act as a trap for food and bacteria and lead to gum disease..

The Instagram page of Dr. Hossein Borjian, the best implant in Isfahan

Dental implants can prevent facial sagging and premature aging

Facial drooping can be an unwanted effect of bone loss due to tooth loss. This is where the lower part of the face begins to sink and the distance between the tip of the nose and the chin gradually closes.. These changes can include extra wrinkles around the mouth, thinning of the lips and more prominent ridges on the chin, making a person look older than their actual age..

When tooth roots are left without replacement, as with normal teeth, the face can start to droop as the bone mass breaks down.. Dental implants can prevent this from happening.

Dental implants compared to dental bridges

A Korean implant is a more suitable and natural alternative to a dental bridge. A bridge requires replacement of adjacent teeth for support. A bridge containing a false tooth (or teeth) It is supported by adjacent teeth that are locked. It is used to replace one or two missing teeth.

A bridge requires two normally healthy teeth, which is an ideal way to replace a missing tooth compared to Dental implant is not. Compared to dental implants, these bridges have a short lifespan, five to ten years, which can last a lifetime.. So while a bridge can sometimes be more economical in the beginning, dental implants can cost you less in the long run..

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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