راه های درمان آندربایت خفیف و متوسط چیست؟
درمان آندربایت خفیف و متوسط
درباره سیمهای ارتودنسی از متخصص ارتودنسی خود بپرسید.
سیمهای ارتودنسی درمان رایجی برای بسیاری از مشکلات آندربایت هستند. مدت زمانی که شما به سیمهای ارتودنسی نیاز دارید به شدت مشکل آندربایت شما بستگی خواهد داشت. مانند همۀ مشکلات دندانی دیگری که ممکن است داشته باشید. Talk to your dentist or orthodontist to find out if braces are a good choice for you..
Metal braces are commonly used to treat underbites, but clear braces, such as invisible braces, may be an option for mild to moderate underbite problems.. Talk to your orthodontist and oral hygienist so they can find the right option for you.
درباره کشیدن دندان با دندانپزشک خود صحبت کنید.
Tooth extraction is the starting point for underbite treatment in adults. Getting rid of the misaligned jaw angle can reduce the overall pressure on the teeth and allow the remaining teeth to fall into place.. This step is usually a quick process done by your dentist in the office.
Once the area is numb, dentists use a set of dental instruments to loosen the tooth and pull it out..
Instagram page of Dr. Hossein Borjian of Isfahan Laser Dental Center
اکسپندر فک بالا را به دقت بررسی کنید.
Maxillary expanders are usually placed at the top of your mouth and held in place using your upper molars.. These mechanical devices are permanently installed to gradually help the lower jaw to fall into place.
The expander is installed by your orthodontist. After installing the expander, you use a key to control the expansion of the expander. The key is made of a plastic handle and a metal tip that goes inside the expander. Your orthodontist will show you how to insert the metal tip of the key into the expander and use the key when installing the expander..
You will see your orthodontist regularly to make sure things are going well.
Usually, expanders are used for three to six months. These expanders may be a bit annoying when first used. But many people say that expanders are more comfortable than orthodontics.
The page of Dr. Hossein Borjian-the best gum surgeon in Isfahan on the clinic site 24 view.
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