Treatment methods for veneered tooth infection

Treatment methods for veneered tooth infection | The best dentist in Isfahan

Examining the methods of treating the infection of coated teeth

At first, the doctor measures and examines many factors for the final selection of the treatment method. Factors such as the initial location of the abscess, the probability and extent of the spread of the infection, and the response of the immune system to the infection are effective in determining the treatment method. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the methods of treating the infection of the coated tooth.


One of the effective ways to treat and reduce the infection and also to prevent the spread of the infection to other areas is the use of antibiotic drugs under the supervision of a doctor.. In infections that spread, the dentist will prolong the patient's antibiotic treatment. If the infection is severe, the patient may need to be hospitalized at the same time as using antibiotics.

Root canal therapy

Root canal treatment Or (RCT) It is used to treat a deep abscess in the tooth. در این روش درمانی دندانپزشک با سوراخ‌کاری در دندان به نابودی عفونت و باکتری‌های ریشه کمک می‌کند و فضا را با ماده‌ای لاستیکی مانند “گوتا پرکا” پر می‌کند. This material is completely sterile and has good resistance after drying. After the area has healed, the dentist restores the tooth with a veneer or permanent filling material..


Sometimes root canal treatment by RTC method is not enough to treat tooth infection. At this time, the dentist uses the apicoectomy method and after opening the gum, he removes the end of the tooth root along with any infected tissue..

The dangers of not treating a tooth infection | The best dentist in Isfahan

Evacuation of dental veneers

In certain situations, the dentist sometimes drains the pus directly from the site of infection.

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Replacement of dental veneers

Treating decay and infection of a veneered tooth may sometimes require removing the veneer and replacing it. This issue depends on the amount decay Is. In this situation, the dentist makes a new veneer for the patient. If you need to change the dental veneer, the work steps are simple. First, it is necessary to grind the tooth a little to create the necessary space for the veneer.

In the next step, the dentist takes a mold of the tooth and orders a cover with a custom and special design to the laboratory. When the crown is ready, the upper part of your tooth is cemented and after performing a hygienic and sterile routine, the doctor will place a new crown on the tooth.. Dental veneers can last up to 10 years or more if they are properly installed by a skilled dentist..

pull tooth

If none of the treatment methods are suitable from the dentist's point of view and the decay has covered the entire tooth in such a way that it can no longer be repaired and treated.. The patient will have to have his tooth extracted.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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